Non-Destructive Editing in GIMP: Progress Report

Hello all! Last year I posted a thread asking for feedback on non-destructive editing in GIMP for GSoC 2023. I wanted to update you all on the progress made.

The summer was spent doing research, experimenting, and making some tech demos. The project was put on hold for a while so I could help out with API work for GIMP 3.0. For the last two months though, my main focus has been trying to complete an initial version for the upcoming 2.99.18 release. And now, it looks very likely that it’s going to make it in.

I’ve been making simple demo videos during that time - for instance, showing how the color balance tool is now non-destructive: CmykStudent: “@barefootliam gave me some GEG…” - Fosstodon

In the last few days, a few people like LinuxBeaver have built the NDE branch and posted extended work with it. You can see some examples here:

If you’re interested in trying it out, you can build from source with this branch: Files · alxsa-initial-nde-checkin · GNOME / GIMP · GitLab
Otherwise, it will very likely be available in the upcoming 2.99.18 release. Note that this is intended to be an initial functional implementation, and further enhancement are planned after the 3.0 release. Still, I’m looking forward to everyone being able to try this out and see how it fits in their workflow!


Contrast_ shared this in action at GIMPChat. Definitely some cool stuff for sure (even though i’m a lossy gonzo editor; lol). :slight_smile:

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If you don’t compile it and ask people to do it, you won’t have answers. 99.99% of GIMP users never ever compiled something,

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Sure, although fortunately a few people have already compiled it and given it a test drive - in fact, there’s already been bugfixes based on that!
It looks almost certain that this feature will be included in 2.99.18, so we should get some good feedback then.


Excellent stuff!

Skimmed the videos looking for the “normal” tools such as levels, curves, hue/sat etc. but saw only filters. Will those colour tools be part of it or is it currently only filters?

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Yes, most of the Color tools are GEGL operations so they will be non-destructive as well. You can see a short video demoing the color balance tool as an example: CmykStudent: “@barefootliam gave me some GEG…” - Fosstodon

What will the internet bitch about after this gets released? Please understand that you’re creating a real situation here @cmyk.student !


Heh! Like with the CMYK project, I imagine the complaints will change to what’s missing, rather than it not existing at all.

Which is fine - there’s definitely features I couldn’t implement for this initial release, and likely more that we don’t even know about yet. But I think it will be helpful to a lot of people once it’s there, and that’s good enough for now. :slight_smile:

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If I had to guess, the interface complaint, and arguably NDE is still behind. But, I can see more praises with NDE release, and some faith back into GIMP (like myself).

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Definitely, and in fact a much better UI was originally planned: GIMP Developer - Layer effects UI

Unfortunately it would involve a lot of hacking on GTKTreeViews to achieve, and I couldn’t manage that along with implementing NDE so we went with what’s currently there. I’m sure it will be a priority to improve after 3.0.

I was being sarcastic but you’re right, people will still complain. How sad.

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So if I understood your video we will be able to delete a filter as well.
The way it shows in the UI is quite nice by not overwhelming the layers’ stack, and it looks like it’s not far from the “smart object”, I mean if we can replace the layer-image with another one and all the filters apply to replaced layer, you’re in the “smart object” territory :grin: :shushing_face:

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Yes, you can definitely remove filters! You can also toggle the visibility of individual filters and re-arrange them in the filter stack (this was implemented after the video).

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I’d hate to go offtopic, but a question though, would .ora format be revisited after this update? I mean, it does needs a update with GIMP getting non-destructive editing, and Krita has it while there are missing blending modes in the standard .ora that can be seen in other image editors, and I see GIMP as the only motivator for ora standard revisit.

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When will the release be coming out? Apologies if I’ve missed the obvious - probably am but did do a search and couldn’t find a date. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Looking forward to trying it out!

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Hopefully - there is a Libre Graphics Meeting around the time GIMP 3.0 is planned to be released, and that’s where past open standards have been discussed. It’d be great if OpenRaster files became as common as PSDs for transferring project files between programs.

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Hopefully soon! The original plan was to release it earlier this month, but Jehan’s schedule has had some unexpected bumps that caused delays. It turned out to be a good thing for NDE though - I was able to implement a really important feature and make some bugfixes based on early testor feedback.

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@Jehan made the last few necessary fixes, and now it’s merged into the main codebase! It will now definitely be in the next release. :slight_smile:
ZeMarmot :gimp:: “:wave: Look what I merged just now …” - Fosstodon