Not my image, but a clever angle, right?

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden


And I thought it was the Stockholm sewers :sunglasses:.


The Piano photographs from the same photog are also very interesting: Photographer Reveals the Architecture Inside Musical Instruments | PetaPixel

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Nice find, @hatsnp!
Aha, he used the Laowa prod-into-ant-hill-lens!
(It was on my villhöver-list, but it is far too
expensive :frowning: ) Laowa FF 24mm T14 2X Macro Periprobe Review - Newsshooter


Yes! :grin: Too expensive indeed…

HDR + focus stacking ?
Interesting views ! It works os well I guess because we have the image of the external/normal view of the object while seeing what we’ve never seen from it…
Maybe this effect can be achieve with other objects, not just musical instruments

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