Olympus EM5 Mk 3 - Greenish tint (white balance issue)

I am struggling with something very similar for my Panasonic GX9. After reading up on the subject, I do not think it is a WB issue, it is RGB sensors picking up light across the whole spectrum to a certain extent so it needs to be corrected. I ended up picking up a test shot from Dpreview’s studio images, and calibrating to the color chart there, now I am tweaking it by hand. You may want to experiment with this approach.

Just by eyeballing, here is my correction, you can go a bit more heavy-handed but it gives back the reds of the lighthouse and the blue of the sky (BTW, having some “pure” colors in there was very useful). Not all channel values sum to 1, which is intentional. These problems are tricky to correct since there is no single “color cast” on the image, it all depends on what color the original object was (eg something green would get a red cast, and vice versa), and neighboring objects modify you visual perception.

I don’t share your preference for pre-scene referred DT; I find it much more powerful as it is now. But I am wondering if there was a bug in the color handling part of the pipeline, how would I know? It is all a big black box to me; I should read up on color theory and will do that at some point but these color casts are the biggest pain point for me at the moment.

P6190137.ORF.xmp (12.8 KB)