OOC jpgs are sharper than RT processed RAWs?

Looks good. I’m hoping that you could tell me what steps you took to achieve. One of the aspects of your image that I was not able to achieve was getting the vertical lines of the drawn storm shutters (over the middle window with the tree in front of it) to be free of artifacts. In my OCC jpg, those lines are straight and not “wavy.” However, as hard as I tried (manipulating Sharpness and Denoising sliders,) parts of those lines in my RT rendition were “wavy.” Of course, this was most evident at 100%. Thanks.

Have you loaded their pp3s for inspection?

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Now here is a my effort using PSE14-ACR+NIK. Have to admit that it is a might over-cooked, but I don’t have the shutter door’s wavy lines. I’d like to know what I’m doing wrong (wavy vertical lines) with RT.

Good luck. I am busy. Hope someone can help you.

Thanks. You’ve been helpful.

I don’t understand what you mean with

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@ChasingShadows I have a hunch that the OP has problems with the folding door
in the room behind the large windows.

Claes in Lund, Schweden

That may be related to the demosaicing algorithm: LMMSE and IGV give the best results in this case, at the cost of increased noise

Well I was using my default profile, of course without my lens specific profiles. I adjusted the input profile to the natural one, adjusted the curve and parameters dealing with highlights and added a small amount of denoising in the wavelet tool. And I think that was all.

Good hunch…correcto

Thanks for the info. However, I’m still in the learning phase and at this point in time, the process is a little too advanced for me.


Calma, calma!
We all are in the learning phase!
Our beloved development software(s)
is(are) developed at a very high speed
so it is very tricky to keep up with them.

A good idea for you is to study some of
the tutorials available here, in this forum,
as well as on youtube.

[What is the definition of a good tutorial?
If you learn something from it, then it is good!]

Have fun!
Claes de Lund, Suecia

There is no “magic bullet” and you’re not doing anything “wrong”. Stop trying to compare your result to horribly oversharpened and oversaturated OOC jpegs or the result of some other software combo you yourself have to “admit that it is a might over-cooked”.

If you are happy with OOC jpegs, there is no shame in that and to be honest, for the image you shared which is well exposed and a middle-of-the-road image, the differences might indeed be minimal. It is all a matter of taste and base material.

You are comparing the results of RawTherapee, a raw converter, to those of a pipeline of raw converter + image editor + sharpening plugin. You’re not doing your self any favor by such a lopsided comparison. Try using RT + Gimp + GMIC and see what comes out.

As it stands, there is nothing to advise you except fo to keep playing around with image “pipelines” until you hit the golden combination. You are after a quick fix and those eventually will not help you forward.

Hi Mike. I very much appreciate your insightful and helpful reading of my attempt to learn RT. You are quite in that I should just keep working with RT instead of trying to make “lopsided” comparisons. BTW, good to know that the image used for this thread was “well exposed” as it was just a test image and not meant to have any impact. Of course, I think my main goal is to do as little PP as possible and well exposed image is a good starting point.

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Yup, I am having fun. But as a retiree and light photo hobbyist , I keep asking myself why do I spend so much time trying to learn processing software? I’m either a masochist or a never ending student. And, of course, I have my browsers benchmarks full of photo tutorials.

Because you have the time! I’m still working 45-60 hrs a week… So not so much time. :wink:

@flycaster: Matching the ooc jpg might be a good exercise in the beginning. But the fun starts, when you try to do something different. Here, I went for a warmer look, with more details in the shadows and more structure in the plastering of the walls. Maybe in some aspects it is technical inferior to the ooc jpg but it is my interpretation :wink: .

Well, I started similar like you start now. After a lot of learning I started using the “dynamic profiles”. So I have a profile for both may cameras and for my 4 lenses and a set of iso dependent additional profiles. All these 10 profiles don’t contain a lot of things. The majority of my settings are in the main profile which is always selected as the first profile. It contains a set of settings to my taste, so that I do not need to start each image from the very beginning.

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Well, that’s where I’ll be once I decide between my present and RT software. But that won’t happen for a while… I plan on using both my present and RT (basic) until I learn more.

Your try looks good to me. Those wavy lines in the shutters of my RT try that I mentioned show up at 100%. Would like to see your shutters at 100%.