For many years I was on Windows, and found Mac fonts and screen shapes–they’re more octagonal–freaky. But I finally made the leap 15 years or so ago, got my first MacBook Pro and quickly got used to their odd look. Spilled coffee took care of that one! Got another one, a late-2011 dual-quad model people said was very reliable, and that lasted until about a year ago now. First the graphics card went, and I had to find an old Dell monitor and a translating cable (with help of a computer geek). But that old Pro is goners … with tons of files, much of which may be recoverable thanks to Time Machine.
I was all excited about am M1 Pro purchase when I heard of their power and speed … but I don’t believe Darktable is yet configured for that new card. Also, I don’t trust Apple any more than Microsoft regarding privacy. Clearly I should be heading to Linux Mint or something … although I had wanted to return to WordPerfect (I am fed up with Word telling me that UK English does not double the ells in, for example, ‘travelling,’ when I know damnnned well it doess!) … I always loved WordPerfect, which Microsoft robbed from but did not equal, and suddenly realised (see–I don’t want to use ‘realized’) WP was still out there! Oh my nerdy beating heart …
So what do folks recommend? How can I have all these things–power, storage, speed, WP, darktable as the gods made it (i.e., for Linux), and great joy? I’d prefer the laptop thing, because space is an issue, but I think I’ll have to go desktop. If dual-boot, which?
I’m also a musician and would love to … well, Garageband would be great.
Thanks in advance. Money is an issue–retiree.