I was photographing in horrible weather and forgot to change the exposure compensation when the sun came out so this is over exposed. It is a .cr3 file
Any ideas on how to fix it?
As far as blow outs it could be worse, but yes the data is just gone in those hottest areas. I thought it cleaned up well enough in darktable though. If it was a photo of my child that I liked well enough it is very printable and plenty good for media sharing. I haven’t done any edits recently so felt a little rusty at 1st, but it was good to open up dt again. I had something I liked in a few minutes of experimenting, but I got carried away after 30 minutes.
Looks like a light snow had fallen and I’m making the guess the sky that day was probably grey, and the light possibly flat and even at least before the sun came out. I didn’t do much to the color of things like the field behind them since it would be just a guess on my part, but did use what I thought were the darker parts of the image (socks/shorts) to set the black point.