Pat David interview with OpenSourceCreative

Mr. Jason van Gumster invited me to be a guest on the Open Source Creative podcast!

Pre-recording he told me to feel free to go off on a tangent. I make him regret that. :smiley:

Hopefully I’ve gotten across how awesome this community. I may have missed naming a project or two and I apologize if that’s the case.

Check it out if you get a chance, and of course I always welcome feedback! (Or critiques about my delivery or presence - I’m always looking to get better.)


Someone promoting FOSS and pixls in particular always gets a like :smile:

Having your interview running in the background atm.

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Creative flipped is so darn creative. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Good insights into the world of open-source image software. Thanks Pat.

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I finally got around to listening to this.

At LGM 2019 we talked about doing some kind of PR newswire that would get the word out to more mainstream photography outlets (dpr, PetaPixel, various reviewers like Thom Hogan or The-Digital-Picture) when we have new releases…

Is there any interest in pursuing this now?

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We sort of do this for some releases. The pipeline oa very manual, but we email/ping petapixel, and dpreview at least. It’d be nice to get something in writing and a list of contacts tho.

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