PC - saving image not possible (Win 10) [solved] (but how?)

Hello there, I am using raw therapee 5.8 on a PC (windows 10). Being a newby I followed a tutorial and everything worked fine so far, but it is impossible for me to save the final image. ctrl+s does not lead to the saving-window popping up and on the buttom left there is not the save-pictogram. Does anybody have an idea what might be the issue? Help would be really appreciated! Best, Henry

Hi @HenryCow, and welcome!

In order to try to pinpoint your problem, we have to
know somewhat more, like

  • From where did you obtain your copy of RawTherapee?
  • How did you install it?

Then let’s go deeper after that.

You have found the very good manual, I hope? https://rawpedia.rawtherapee.com/Main_Page

By the way: are you related to the famous Larry The Cow, perchance?

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

Hi Claes,
thanks for your quick reply! No, not related (as far as I know :wink: I downloaded it from the official site and installed it via the .exe-file (as usual). I took a quick look at the manual - from what I ve seen, the issue is really that my copy does not have the “save-section” on the bottom/ left - every had anybody with this kind of problem? I guess I could simply de-install and re-install, but as I spent some hours on a photo, that would not be my first option… Best, Henry

Thanks for your reply.
Unfortunately, it did not make me any wiser…

Re the hours spent on a photo: relax, they are not wasted:
just copy the .pp3 file onto a safe place. RawTherapee does
not change anything in the raw (original) file, everything you
do is recorded in the .pp3 file having the same name as the original.
After a reinstall, just copy that .pp3 back into place.

To be really careful, copy all images & their .pp3-files to a safe
place before trying anything drastic. :slight_smile:

Keep us informed!

Claes in Lund, Sweden

A totally nutty suggestion, but still:
in preferences under Appearance,
change Theme into something else,
like TooWaBlue.

Addendum: RawTherapee v5.8 is quite old.
Present version is v5.9.

Does it not sound wise to

  • save your important data, .pp3 included
  • uninstall v5.8
  • fetch present v5.9
  • install v5.9

If the key strokes aren’t working do you have the little icon and does it work ??


I believe that he does not have that:

on the buttom left there is not the save-pictogram.

That was the reason for my suggestion to switch
theme, in case his present one made it invisible :slight_smile:

Yes, that was the issue - but thanks anyhow, @priort ! The issue is solved, unfortunately I have no idea how to mark it as solved. Best, Henry

How utterly depressing!!!
Solved and after all this suspense
we will not learn how it was solved???

I only had two sips of coffee… apparently I can’t read until at least half a cup…that’s why we have you… :slight_smile:


that’s why we have you…

Me [modestly]: Oh, I know…

But apart from that, I would still very much learn
how he solved it. That would bump up my knowledge bank
a notch.

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I could see a theme somehow hiding a UI element I guess but how would it alter the default keystrokes to activate that option… I don’t know enough about RT to even guess…