PCC in comet processing

I apologize, I cannot utilize this tool, because I don’t know it. Please let me a little bit of time for learn it. Tomorrow? Thanks

Hi. I apologise because I had to leave yesterday. I saw that WeTransfer is very easy to use. It still takes four hours to upload the files. As soon as I get the link I will send it to you. Thank you.

Only one file is needed

Désormay, le transfert de tous le deux fichiers est en cours :slight_smile:

Ok, je t’envoie un seul fichier pcc.

We don’t need the corrected image.
There are two main problems with this image:

  • the background level is huge for the three channels, something is wrong with that
  • the flats did not correct the three channels in the same way, making the image sides different colours, so the PCC cannot do anything

I presume it is that one …

BTW: its name in my mail box is ‘pp_Light_00001 pcc.fit’!

  • I did background extraction on RGB frames after PCC …
  • Why image is not three channel equally BKG corrected? I tried to make manual CC too, just on same images and all is gone ok …

Color correction is done before bkg, in pp- files: only PCC doesn’t work, but manual CC do the task correctly

I don’t make flats, never, only biases


In some video tutorials it is indicated to do PCC already on PP_ files, while the Siril official tutorial clearly says correct task is to do PCC on BKG_PP files.
The first method (correcting PP_) only works with manual colour correction, NOT with photometric one: it REQUIRES that the files have already undergone background extraction.

Thank you Vincent for your great patience!

Résumé :
dans certains tutos vidéo, il est indiqué d’effectuer la PCC sur les fichiers PP_, alors que le didacticiel officiel du Siril indique d’effectuer la PCC sur les fichiers BKG_PP.
La première méthode ne fonctionne qu’avec la correction manuelle des couleurs,
tandis que la correction photométrique EXIGE que les fichiers ont déjà été soumis à l’extraction du fond ciel.

Merci Vincent pour ta grande patience !

Siril version 1.2.1 solved the issue.