PFBarrel LensDistortion - Problems with Redistort


i have a .pfb file from pftrack and want to create the undistorted + redistorted stmaps with the lens distortion node…
when it comes to the redistortion the image doesnt fit the original. its always distortet a bit different.
i did a simple test with a checker node and some arbitary c3/c5 + squeeze values and i never get a redistorted image like the original…
dont know if this is a bug in the math of the pfbarell distortion/undistortion model…(or user error).
when i manually increase the c3 value then i get at some point to the original image (so i assume something is wrong with the distortion math)

my workflow is like that:

  1. original plate
  2. lens distortion node with pfbarell model and mode undistort
  3. reformat to the extends of the bounding (to get the overscan)
  4. copy of lens distortion node with mode distort
  5. crop to the original format

the result isnt the same as the original…

any hints what i am doing wrong