PhotoFlare AppImage is very slow

So I took the AppImage version of PhotoFlare for a spin, and I noticed that it’s slow to the point of being barely usable. When I press any of the buttons in the toolbar (Contrast, Saturation, etc.), it takes somewhere between 5-1o seconds for the action to complete. I have a pretty decent machine with loads of RAM and a handful of cores running openSUSE. Am I doing something wrong?


Hi Dmitri,

This is due to the filters currently being single threaded. I have some changes in place to use all the threads for most filters. On my own machine this resulted in a 800% performance increase. :slight_smile:

Will be released as part of the next version. (v1.6.0)


Hi Dylan,

Thank you for your reply. When do you expect to release the new version?


Hi Dmitri,

Its hard to say right now but I’m thinking the end of September currently.