Photographer's Altoids EDC Tin?

A few years ago, Altoid EDC tins were all the rage (if you’re unfamiliar, you can learn all about them here). Well, I’ve decided to put together my very own ‘photographer’s version.’ I have a good idea of the things I’d like to include, but I’m also up for suggestions; what would YOU consider a must-have bit of kit?

Please keep in mind that this crazy little project, more than anything else, is just a bit of fun — but, having said this, you never know; it may turn out to be very useful.

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  • Zeiss wipes
  • Allen wrench and/or socket for tripod tightening
  • flathead screw driver bit for L bracket
  • band aid

I’m actually on the hunt for a good multi-bit tool right now — the challenge is finding one that will fit in this tiny tin :thinking: (mind you, it was also a bit of a challenge getting hold of the Altoids tin itself — they’re not too common around these parts).

UPDATE: I think I may have found one.

My Altoids tin has an uncanny resemblance to a Zip-Loc bag. It has:

  • Allen key for tripod and L-bracket (I’m lucky, they both take the same Allen key size)
  • Swiss Army knife - no specific reason, but you never know…
  • Whistle
  • small compass in case phone dies
  • spare Peak Design anchor links

I would think an Altoids tin would be noisy with hard items inside, unless one was interested in going to great lengths to pad the interior etc.


Quite true; there are doubtless more practical solutions. Sticking with the tradition of an Altoid tin, however, is all part of the challenge (and fun) of my weird little project.

The link in the original post has little magnets inside to keep metal items from rattling.

Yeah, saw that. BTW, I’m stealing your Zeiss wipes and band-aid ideas. :+1:


A piece of PVA cloth belongs in my kit. I keep the cloth rolled moist/wet in a water tight canister slightly larger than those used for 35mm film. Moist/wet PVA is soft and soaks water like no other material. I like to think that my cloth saved the day for a guy who had his camera sprayed at the Niagara Falls more than a decade ago.


I’ve not heard of this PVA cloth before — that’s going straight into my tin! What an amazing tip! — that’s sooo useful! Thanks, @OddS!

1/4"-20 and 3/8"-16 UNC (or British Standard Whitworth) machine screws for when you lose the tripod bolt.

Small Siemens’ Star for back focus
Small Colour chart for odd lighting

Small torx to take the casing off

Small USB cable

I have a tiny box from a German fountain pen that has a raspberry pi 0 with display, SD card reader and USB flash key in it. Automatically backs up camera cards, creates contact sheets, adds metadata…