Photometric Color Calibration - Cannot download the online star catalog

For a small recap.
Your issue @rbarbera is totally different from the other :slight_smile:

Glups! I’m afraid now :man_bowing:t2:


Any Windows clients reading this post… Are any of you using 1.0.3 that don’t have this problem with Photometric Color?

If it didn’t work on Windows, we would have a ton of messages :). It is not the case.

ping @cissou8

Thanks for investigating and for the report. I’m running Windows as well. I don’t exactly understand which url with colons you are refering to.
The 2 urls we pass, in this order, are (for m42):

and if we get no answer, we query simbad at: basic.OID, ra, dec, main_id FROM basic JOIN ident ON ident.oidref = oid WHERE id ='m42';

There is no colon anywhere (see there: src/algos/astrometry_solver.c · 1.0.3 · FA / Siril · GitLab)… and both queries are successful (I’ve just tried).
So I don’t get how a colon could be the source of your error…

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yes, it used to work with 1.0.1, no longer with 1.0.3

But there is no change in the code in this area. Especially in the 1.0 branch since 1.0.1.
I can tell you that the majority of users can use astrometry with Siril on Windows.

So I can’t tell you why it doesn’t work. I would say it’s something like bitdefender or AVAST because 1.0.3 is recognized as a different software by the AV databases.

Thanks for the reply :slight_smile:

There is also no change in my system, besides of course whatever windows updates happened in the meanwhile and the Siril update.

To put it in context and hopefully find a solution, we are talking about an Windows 11 system with the default Windows defender security solution.

I enabled the ‘siril.exe’ and ‘siril-cli.exe’ as apps in the firewall and also created explicit inbound and outbound rules for them to be sure they will not be blocked.

The result did not changed, when I try to search for an object in Photometric calibration, I always see the ‘No catalog’ red error message in the Console.

I also disabled the Firewall and Defender completely and tried, with no change in the result or the error message…

Is there a log file somewhere that can give more details?

Also, what mechanism does Siril use to make the connection to the catalog? maybe there are also other binaries that have to be explicitly allowed through the firewall?!?

Oh. Give me an example of what you search for example

In one of the recent photos I made I search for the Trifid Nebula. I can see it exactly in the middle of the photo :slight_smile:

But this is just an example… I can search whatever there, the only result I get with the last version is always ‘No catalog’. It also does not matter which catalog I choose or if the ‘Use Cache’ tick is checked or not.

Ok. This kind of name cannot be search.
Try M20.

Ok, this went further, I do not get the ‘No catalog’ error any longer (so maybe an idea is to change it as it was kind of misleading in this case…).

The plate solving still fails with ‘08:37:14: There are not enough stars picked in the image. At least 6 stars are needed.’.

But I guess this is just a thing of playing with the various options there. Is it better to do the calibration after or before stretching?

Always before.

Ok, thanks for the tip.

I was just reading the ‘no catalog’ error and thought that there is no point trying to search something else if there is no catalog available :slight_smile: . Maybe you can consider changing it for something more relevant for this case :slight_smile:

Is there somewhere a list of what names is better to use?

It is a very bad log indeed and it is already changed in the dev version to be more helpful.

I don’t think, but every name like M…, NGC…, IC…, HD… that are recognized by SIMBAD query.

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