In the dev build of Pixelitor in “experimental features” one can link the directory of GMIC and use 12 GMIC filters in a GUI and any GMIC command from a CLI input. GMIC filters in Pixelitor 4.31 can be made as non-destructive filters and adjustment layers within it. The same can be said about GEGL but no GEGL filter in Pixelitor has a GUI, just CLI only.
Pixelitor does not have GUI access to the vast majority of GMIC filters. Such as GMIC’s jpeg smooth filter, but you can get its parameters from Gimp’s GMIC or stand alone GMIC and paste it into Pixelitor’s GMIC command filter.
Enable experimental features in Pixelitor to use non-destructive editing like smart objects, clone layers, adjustment layers ect… Pixelitor is the most non-destructive open source image editor with those features enabled and they are stable and have been around for over two years.
Not sure why you’re bringing this up, but you need to start a new thread. Called @afre
I think once you do, this post can be moved too.
Clicked on enable experimental setting. I’m still giving it to Krita because Krita does have those things. Pixelitor has more filters yes, but from the mechanical point of view, Krita is stronger. You can paint masks directly on Krita filter masks, and filter layer is adjustment layer.
Clone Layer doesn’t seem to enable a copy layer akin to Krita Clone Layer, which copies the result of filter masks and transformation in it, and other things.
Plus Pixelitor is missing File Layer, transformation mask, transparency mask. Krita has all of those. And they even have vector layer too which can be anti-aliased or aliased. Their text tool is getting a update too.
Also, Krita even have non-destructive texture generator.
Pixelitor’s smart objects allow file layers that it calls “add linked”. You link the image file which can be a png, jpg or .pxc
I don’t know about Krita but Pixelitor’s clone layers are also part of Smart Objects and modifying the original smart object will update all the clones.
I grant you the part about transformation mask as Pixelitor has AWFUL transform tools.
Pixelitor has vector layers but they are simple shapes and stars.
They’re part of Smart Objects in Pixellitor? That’s not a design that I agree with. Or maybe I just don’t like the interface there, I dunno. Clone Layer in Krita can be used to make on-the-fly copy of any layers and the result of filter masks.
I think Pixellitor has potentials to be very useful, just that they need to make their tools more discoverable. I’d say the same thing about the current iteration of GIMP with NDE, and there’s still short-coming. Based on this, in my opinion, Krita and Pixellitor are on the same level, Pixelitor has more filters, but Krita has more discoverable tools, and mechanically more flexible NDE.
GIMP has entered a new phase, but still a lot of works before it actually becomes useful (in my opinion, that is).