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In this social network era, it suddenly became a trend topic among many in this city: some talipot palms were flowering! Besides its beauty, I quite didn’t understood the uproar. Only when I knew that this plant has the biggest inflorescence among any other plant in the world, and that it only flowers once in its whole life, it made sense to me. I then rushed to capture this rare moment.
As a side note, although I live in a tropical country with a huge plant variety, this species isn’t native, but from @shreedhar’s land.
Photoflow: new edge sharpening tool, relight, tone mapping, curves.
I was lazy to remove the big light pole behind in Gimp or Darktable.

IMG_6027.cr2 (14.3 MB)

IMG_6027.pfi (28.5 KB)

… and from far away:

IMG_5937.cr2.xmp (18.1 KB) (DT 2.7)

Sorry if I don’t present you sharper images, but I’m still struggling with DOF settings and a bad kit lens.
These files are licensed [Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike]


IMG_6027.cr2.xmp (10.3 KB)

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Hi Gustavo,
tried the first one. Nice Image and I think it has good sharpness!

IMG_6027_RT-1.jpg.out.pp3 (12.4 KB)
X-Trans Provia LUT, RT 5.7

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Awesome that you got to capture the moment as a native.

darktable 2.6.3
IMG_6027.cr2.xmp (1,9 Ko)


Thank you!

I didn’t follow you :thinking:

Awesome that you got to capture the moment
No trouble here, right?

as a native.
The tree isn’t a native of the region. Are you?

I still don’t get it.
Even if I was a native (which I’m not), I don’t see why it is awesome that a native goes shooting a beautiful non-native tree.
I mean, I don’t see the relevance of my native/non-native condition regarding capturing a non-native tree… :wink:
EDIT: @afre Please disregard my previous words, your comment is logical, my original sentence led to that. Sorry about the fuss.:vulcan_salute:

IMG_6027.cr2.xmp (15.3 KB)

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My version. Done with darktable and GIMP (with GIMP mostly dodge and burn):

IMG_6027.cr2.xmp (11,4 KB)

My emphasis was on the statue and similar to edit of @age, I didn’t want the sky to disappear because it makes beautiful color contrast to the rest of the picture.



IMG_6027.cr2.xmp (1.9 KB) 2.6.3

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IMG_6027.cr2.xmp (6.4 KB) IMG_6027_01.cr2.xmp (7.4 KB)