[Play Raw] Bring out detail in highlights

I’d like to bring out some detail in the highlights on the bird, but I haven’t been able to come up with anything I like, using either Filmic or Sigmoid. What’s your favoured approach to such situations?

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no sigmoid or filmic…

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P1000370.RW2 (20.8 MB)

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Highlights are indeed blown; blended in some polar bear fur texture to taste (might be too strong; am a bit bushed; lol), for this. Could use other enhancements for sure. :slight_smile:

I would have liked to seen your version to better understand what you might have been been seeking. I found no problems with the details in the white feathers that represented the brightest part of the image. I probably tried harder than I normal would feel the need to to bring out the highlight details.
P1000370.RW2.xmp (18.4 KB)

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uuuhh, dirty bird :wink:
(made with RT-dev)

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With ART 1.25

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Greetings. Roberto

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My version…

P1000370.RW2.xmp (22,0 KB)

Here’s my proposal, as usual, to recover details in the highlights and lowlights after sigmoid, I use a preset from the local contrast module.

P1000370_05.RW2.xmp (19.7 KB)
Darktable 5.1 (master)


@Christian-B thanks for pointing out the use of the Sigmoid detail preset for your edit. I am not sure why it works but it does bring out more detail and I will have to explore this on more images.

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Rawtherapee and GIMP


P1000370_RT-4.jpg.out.pp3 (15.8 KB)

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ART 1.25

P1000370_art.jpg.out.arp (12.5 KB)

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