P3230550.ORF (13.7 MB)
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P3230550.jpg.out.pp3 (11.3 KB)
sharpening & noise reduction in RT does not work well here apparently
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sharpening & noise reduction in RT does not work well here apparently
this is strange. I did not see the yellow earlier this day
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ok I think I found some settings that I am sort of satisfied with. there is still a little noise that looks like dust specs on the trunk of the tree but I can live with that. the transition between the back of the pigeon and the background is ok too
in the end, it was about finding the right balance between the silders of the noise reduction module. or can someone produce something better?
some kind of pop art?
I enjoy it and that is all that matters.
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Pop art? Pop - no. Art - yes.
To be more precise: it is a piece of Neoclaesizismus,
i.e. a technique I am experimenting with in order to facilitate
noise reduction.
Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Schweden
Here is an attempt using RT 5.5. I think sharpening and de-noising looks quite all right. One can sharpen even more without any artifacts. The crop is chosen so as to emphasize the diagonals of the branches going from left to right.
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