Here is another version using the latest [RT 5.5 RC1]. I used RGB curves, the Haze removal, Soft light, Film Simulation and Wavelet modules. IMG761.jpg.out.pp3 (12.1 KB)
I wonder if such strong magenta casts were standard for that film. Did people in the dark room regularly have to wrestle with such casts? Or is this the repercussion of time passing or?
Not that I remember The films were developed using certain processes, like E-6, used for Ektachrome, Fujichrome and other slide (colour reversal) films, or K-14 for Kodachrome, and so on.
Me too. But I have other slides from the same time that still show superb, natural colors. When I brought them to editing, I couldn’t find anything left to do regarding tone mapping. My brother raised a question whether chemicals could react differently depending on the exposure values, for example, under exposed images would degrade faster and maybe present some color cast even from the beginning. Who knows.
Look at this one, from the same time:
I decided to go with B&W because I am not good with colours. Did minimal processing as comfortable. Removed some of the blemishes but not all of them for effect.
only you to take 2!!! playraws to whole another level. It is funny (juxtaposed meaning) but more than that it is the gesture, the one that Gustavo’s father started - when (probably) intrigued by the public secrecy of the two amiguinhas - he tried to “sieze the mü” and follows by his son sharing it and us messin’ with it and you bringing it all together. That’s a fucking real chain, energy going through different vessels, touching different kind of folk; that is far more primitive than pixls or a palette (which are but tools), that’s something bigger than Life, that’s art ,-) … from which aesthetics is just the wrapper. Sufi say (Idries Shah?) Not the man or the means but the work. These are expensive words, tonight you’re (my) mucho master @afre … bones creek, a hand holds onto the back as pain arises… I bow (we are here now, here and now)