[Play Raw] Underexposed landscape

DSC00128.jpg.out.pp3 (12.2 KB)
Certainly a nice photo. Here’s a “contemporary” edit:

DSC00128-1.jpg.out.pp3 (13.7 KB)


On the location: It’s Kochel. The view is from the way up to the Herzogstand (I assume) down on the Walchensee.
Kochem, nowadays Cochem, is a town near the Mosel in Rheinland-Pfalz :wink:

Here is my conversion. RT dev, Auto matched curve, Highlights/Shadows and a little bit of saturaion, not too much to prevent the green/brown of the spruces from getting too poisonous. :wink:
DSC00128.jpg.out.pp3 (11.6 KB)

Probably the blue of the lake wasn’t so deep when you took the image because there are clouds in the sky.

DSC00128.ARW.pp3 (12.6 KB)


You are right it is Kochel. Thanks for pointing it out.

@flannelhead welcome aboard…nice job getting the trees in the foreground to pop without making the colors unnatural.

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Second try, with “improved” mountains.

DSC00128.ARW.xmp (13.7 KB)

I thought Blue mountains are in Australia… :wink:

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It’s actually pretty well exposed to protect those highlights.

darktable 3.0rc0:


A bit of Darktable, sharpening in GMIC