any of you want to give a go at these nice sunset colours?
Creative Commons
_MG_0423.CR2 (21.4 MB)
Yes. Just need the file link.
Edit: Okay, now I sse it.
I love it! But you should really invest in a 77mm ND filter. It would have been a much sharper image if it wasn’t shot at f22.
Where was that shot? How did you get up there?
It could be shot at F8 by just increasing the shutter speed, no need ofr a ND filter
Then he wouldn’t have got this motion blur in the clouds.
I chose f22 because i wanted the longest shutterspeed possible, i do not have an nd filter (yet) and i definitely would have used one if i did because a long exposure would have made it even more magical i think
Lake District uk, walking
Yeah, I know.
With Filmulator.
You really nailed the ETTR, so it only needed the tiniest smidge of highlight recovery for the red channel.
Darktable but sharpened with Gimp/G’mic
_MG_0423.CR2.xmp (13.2 KB)
@Jean-Marc_Digne Looks good.
@sls141 b/w always looks great for this kind of shots!
Warm sky, cold grounds.
Nice shot, thanks for sharing!