Playing with dt 2.7.0

Ready for the first dinner in 2019.

I used this image to learn more about all the nice modules in darktable 2.7.0.

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden


Which modules and how do you like them?

In this particular case (in short):

Base curve OFF.
Filmic ON.
Extra sharpening with Highpass.
Fuzzy frame from gimp/g’mic.

I like filmic more and more. Thank you, @anon41087856!

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@Claes, same here, at first I didn’t ‘get’ the filmic module but with the improvements in 2.7 I’m ‘feeling the love’ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
It’s become so quick and easy to use.
So a big thanks to @anon41087856

BTW Your image has turned out really well :+1:

You’re welcome. Happy New Year BTW !

You know High-Pass blended in overlay mode is exactly what the sharpen module does ?

Also, we have merged deblurring presets in 2.7 in the equalizer module, I suggest you use them instead (far better results, less halos).


Thank you for posting this, @Claes

I want to join and express my gratitude for the Filmic module, I’m liking it a lot!
Thanks, @anon41087856!

Still figuring things out, but it’s by far my preferred workflow now.
Hope to see 2.7 for Windows soon! :smile:

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Should anyone feel the urge, you can appreciate @anon41087856’s work with your wallet. I’d imagine a good chunk of time went into the filmic module, all voluntary and we have directly benifited it.


Thanks, that was basically full-time work and still is bugfixes and doc writing.



No, I did not know that!
There are far too many things that I do not know - but still, I am eager to learn!

Claes in Lund, Sweden


I don’t get why people still use highpass instead of sharpen or equalizer, and the same way with lowpass instead of shadows/highlights. It’s unnecessary pain.

Oh, that was an easy question.
Because we have not been taught The Correct Way!

Hmmm. Not a surprise. They were taught on the Internets.