@Thomas_Do and the Furs are strong with ur crop =)
The thing I reclaimed back in this processing was a simple guide to help me (visually) with luminosity, desanata layer in the pfi, just a desaturated layer. So PhF till here:
20170823__DSC9545_PhF.tif.zip (3.8 KB)
And then Gmic within Chimp; only difference from ussual WF was gold sharpness instead of … fuck I already forgot the name… For once didn’t mozz the image so (even though a jpeg) details prevail (41MB). Cheers good people of the Fosso
1:1 crop
@chroma_ghost All this crazy talk about goats… in the end it is the crop that matters. I was considering doing a close one like this 1:1 crop.
which goat wheeeeerrree? Yo should go ahead and crop the hell out the Falkert hills mate
BTW, it is said that a wise goat (if that’s possible?) that lived long ago in a far away land on top of a beautiful mountain once meeed: live so precariously that what matters changes from moment to moment …go figure
I really like this one, thanks!
My attempt. Great photo. I had most trouble with the busy foreground, could not get contrast / sharpness right. Darktable 2.2.5.
20170823__DSC9545.NEF.xmp (24.2 KB)
I love the picture, but my take on it is very unconventional I think
I am not perfectly happy with the colours of the rock, but it’s the best I could do.
20170823__DSC9545.NEF.xmp (49.6 KB)
I feel like I’m hang gliding.
@Thanatomanic The rock face is suddenly a bit too close for comfort like I am falling.
@HIRAM Never tried hang gliding. Have you?
Hi, my take on it with photoflow and a bit of gimp
@ch_choux I like it! Welcome to the forum BTW.
Thanks, it’s a very nice community you have here.