[PlayRaw] Falkert - Austrian Landscape

Hello there, attached is a shot that I thought was very interesting at the moment I pressed the shutter button, but upon review on my PC couldn’t inspire me at all.

New upload: 20170823__DSC9545.NEF (27.3 MB)

20170823__DSC9545.NEF (27.3 MB)

Let’s see what you can do with it! :smiley:
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/

What you see in this image is the south facing side of the mountain Falkert (exaclty in the middle), shot from the path to Moschelitzen. The wide angle plus a very low shooting position gave me an extreme amount of foreground.

This is my first result with darktable:


@matejmarti Could you share what interested you? What I find interesting about it might be different from you; also, I wasn’t there to breathe in the scene :slight_smile:.

That’s an interesting photo alright @matejmarti Very rich both texture and space distribution as tonality wise. I very much like the dark hill lurking over the rocks… if I want to be picky I’d say
a bit too centered ( I sound like Mica… in my head) needed of some diagonal tension… or a diplodocus =) Yeah tell us abit about the place or how you got there… @afre monsieur {tipping the hat}

@adm Download’s NOT working, tested in different browsers :man_teacher:

There is no need to try to replicate what i saw in the scene. To be honest i can’t even remember, it’s been 4 months :D.

I just thought it would be interesting to see what others can do with this raw.

I get the following message when I try to download:
Error Message


I reuploaded the file, please see my first post. Download works for me now.

Works now!!

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DSC_6210.NEF.pp3 (10.6 KB)


I think the crop works quite good. I also like the sky, not overly dramatic but interesting!

I tried to accentuate the yellows in the foreground and ti raise contrast there.
Also the crop got rid of some of the foreground, which was just too much. The mountains I thought off as dividing line between foreground and sky.

Rawtherapee 20170823__DSC9545.NEF.pp3 (11.8 KB)


My try in DT. Thanks for the shot.

20170823__DSC9545.NEF.xmp (7.9 KB)

@McCap you twisted the arm of DR’s God, Jezus! With see close pixel porn glasses some mushiness, some sushi I mean, don’t be mean. Cheers chef =)


Having in mind that there’s a Heidi hotel {dirty dirtyMind}, a first approach:

Well, i’m not quite sure what the artist is trying to tell me with the goat :smiley:

I must say, i have to agree with @chroma_ghost, the DR god won’t be pleased :wink:

This is not to be seen close up…only on your phone while riding into hipster sunset… :wink:

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used darktable to process raw mainly played with tone curve
then used gimp to add simple local contrast from gmic as overlay
masked out a bit of the rocks in the front from that as it was too busy
then croped to again reduce the rocks a bit and gives effect of zooming in on the farther scene

20170823__DSC9545.NEF.xmp (4.1 KB)

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ja ajajaj jaaaj now I knowee whatcha du in the traffik lighties, whatcha watch edit. Gonna get me a bike and a smart phone and a dumb girlfriend… wait for the next sunset, reconnect my inner self with the broadband of hypstergoodness and by then I might feel you right eHH matey?!!

@matejmarti the 127th commandment say do not twist me words or shall you perish blame by cactus. :slight_smile: Ands also I’d never say anything bad about Thomas… last time he ate my lemmings cousins.

So hear Kabul

and a second derivatiff

I am one with the Force and the Force is with me and my crop!

20170823__DSC9545 Color.jpg.out.pp3 (11.1 KB)

Then applied Agfa APX25 HALDClut to get
20170823__DSC9545 BW.jpg.out.pp3 (11.1 KB)