PlayRaw file storage

I’ve gone back through all of the old playraw posts (tagged: #play_raw) and downloaded all of the raw files to move onto our own servers. This way we don’t end up with broken links in these old posts.

Also, we should probably consider a longer-term solution. I had a couple of ideas.

  1. Manually move the files when a new playraw is posted.
    This actually isn’t so bad as the number of playraw posts has been relatively small.

  2. Good 'ol cron.
    I can run a cronjob on the server that checks for play_raw tagged posts and looks for a link after a keyword or phrase. Then I can automate downloading and archiving that link on our servers.

[edit] - also, holy mackeral that tag actually links to all the tagged posts. schweet!
[edit2] - also, more awesome stupid pet tricks, an RSS feed of only that tag of items:


You’re talking only about the actual raw file right? Everyone else should be posting a jpeg they drag n drop onto the post window.

I’m fine either way.

What would enable the original play raw poster to upload the file here in the first place?

Yep, the actual raw file. JPEG/PNG/TIF/BMP should all be drag-and-drop into the composer window without a problem.

There is actually a third option to amend to the above list:

  • I can purchase Amazon S3 storage, and point the site to store uploads there.

The benefit of doing this is clearing up space for us on the server (only 40GB of space on the VPS for the forums). I can also then enable much larger uploads for attachments…

We could just make sure that the raw intended for upload is contained within a certain link or prepended with a phrase/tag to facilitate scripting it.

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