[PlayRaw] Guggenheim Bilbao

On the contrary, I hate halos probably at least as much as you do! :wink:

That’s for me the one thing that still makes digital photography an awful artistic product in so many cases… so I try as much as possible to avoid halos in my edits.

I struggle with halos and to be honest didn’t really see them until the evening when I had different lighting in the room (we had that rare thing in the UK earlier - sunshine!).

I suppose I’m guilty of trying too many processes at once but I do like Darktable, its very tempting!!

So no don’t worry, I’m a beginner at this processing lark and appreciate any useful comments

Nice photo. I was there a few years ago. I used a few Darktable 2.6.2 with filmic, retouch, and the perspective correction module and a few other modules to sharpen and bring out some color.

That focal length is a challenge though and the building does not have a lot of straight lines.

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My punchy take on this, using RawTherapee 5.6

20170316T083420.jpg.out.pp3 (12.1 KB)

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Nice image @McCap. Here is an attempt using GIMP 2.10. Just used Screen and Mutiply mode with masking and then a slight color toning. It could definitely be done better. But don’t have time for the thorough job.

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darktable 2.7, tone equalizer, filmic, local contrast, colour balance, colour reconstruction, retouch, perspective correction.


That’s not fair…

It will be in time for Christmas :wink:

I’m on 2.7 master

It will be in time when there is no bug left :wink:

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20170316T083420-4.tif.out.pp3 (12.2 KB) + GIMP perspective

Here a redo with a more “sunsetish feeling” done with darktable 3.4 plus some freaky sharpening in Gimp. Please regard it as a piece of art and don’t look at the artefacts :wink: .

20170316T083420.RW2.xmp (22.5 KB)


Great capture! :slight_smile:


20170316T083420.jpg.out.pp3 (13.7 KB)

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Thanks for posting
dt 3.4.1

20170316T083420_01.RW2.xmp (15.2 KB)

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guggenheim.bilbao-1…pp3 (16.2 KB) RawTherapee 5.8 (development + spot removal).

Old one and a belated thanks!


Guggenheim Bilbao_20170316T083420.RW2.xmp (13.6 KB)