[PlayRaw] Hillbilly portrait

Here is a Black and White attempt using GIMP.

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Went for a card design kind of thing. I think it’s okay, but I suck a choosing the right Fonts.

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The uncountable fonts are another Pandora’s box, that I wouldn’t open too much. (smiley here)

That’s my take.


Exercising new filmic / color balance tools in Darktable.
Going for the same approach as others to darken the background turned out to be very straightforward in filmic.



dcc_0013.cr2.xmp (3.9 KB)

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Two versions from me.



Very simple RT adjustment
dcc_0013.cr2.pp3 (10.2 KB)

Then the GIMP wavelet decompose to layers and some work on those. Added a strong softlight layer to the result. Reduce and colour reduced in Fotoxx


Some Colour left in - the softlight layer makes colours very strong.

I dimmed down and masked distracting detail in the GIMP as thought cropping spoils the composition.



Darktable 4.0.1. Practicing the retouch module

dcc_0013.cr2.xmp (133,4 KB)

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darktable 4.0.1
dcc_0013.cr2.xmp (7,9 Ko)

Thanks for posting
darktable 4.0.1

dcc_0013_02.cr2.xmp (18.8 KB)


Thanks for posting. I find Play Raw a great way to test out presets that I have created. I love to see how the image loads without any further tweaks.
Here is a recent one I created and named Black & White Portrait. I actually use a color film LUT (Stuart Sowerby’s Velvia) in addition to the black and white tool with a red-yellow filter as well as pushing the exposure. This combo seems to give very light skin tones but retains deep blacks elsewhere. I also used the Contrast Level by Details tool to smooth out skin blemishes.
Black & White portrait.jpg.out.pp3 (14.2 KB)

After loading my preset, I changed the film sim to Acros, lowered the exposure, and turned off Contrast Level by details. This accentuated the skin and skin ‘blemishes’
Black & White portrait 2.jpg.out.pp3 (14.2 KB)


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My version…

dcc_0013.cr2.xmp (17.2 KB)


What LUT are you using?

Really nice image.

dcc_0013_10.cr2.xmp (15.4 KB)

the LUT used is Fuji Provia 100F.png


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I stole your awesome crop for a colour version.

hillbilly-portrait-dcc_0013.cr2.xmp (23.2 KB)
dt 4.0.1

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I am working my way through your edit and at a loss to understand the cc setting:


Manually adjusting to that setting produces a blue image:


I finally copied the module into my edit from yours, which works fine to match you edit, but altering it the slightest amount turns the image blue again.

Can you explain what’s happening?

Of course.
I will try…
In this image, I have 3 instances of color calibration:
The first one, which is the one you posted the image of, corresponds to the instance I used to find the blank in this image. To achieve this I used the pipette and marked a small square on the cigarette, and then in illuminant, I used the D (daylight) option.
The second instance I used to play with the colors a bit.
To do this, I took advantage of the tabs of RGB and also brightness.
And finally, the third instance, I used it to make the black and white.
I hope I explained myself correctly.

I used a color pick from the cigarette and switched to daylight, but I had to use color pick in both images set at the same point. Then I first adjusted the temperature until the color pick RGB was close to yours. Then I adjusted RGB to finally match what you have. I checked it with color picks from several other locations, and they matched.





BTW, I am going to all this trouble because I really like your edit, and I want to understand how you did it.