[PlayRaw] Landsat 8 image of Lake Elton

LC08_L1TP_171026_20170912_20170928_01_T1-Lake-Elton.tif.xmp (4.7 KB)
LC08_L1TP_171026_20170912_20170928_01_T1-Lake-Elton_01.tif.xmp (5.2 KB)

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Hi, I added a link to a CC licence for the file in my original post. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

For my part, the top have of the image below is the output from Rawtherapee while the bottom half was done using Photoshop. The colors in the RT version are more natural and thus closer to reality which is what I want. However, I like the heightened contrast of the Photoshop version.

One thing I’d like to point out is that the Photoshop auto contrast tool produces dramatically different results depending on whether you are working in RGB mode or LAB mode. In this case I used LAB mode to make contrast adjustments as well as initial color adjustments - then finished up in RGB mode.

Thank you!

LC08_L1TP_171026_20170912_20170928_01_T1-Lake-Elton.tif.xmp (7.9 KB)

LC08_L1TP_171026_20170912_20170928_01_T1-Lake-Elton.jpg.out.pp3 (11.1 KB)


Here is an attempt in RawTherapee dev 5.4-409-g99caa76f7 using Win10 laptop. I have tried to make it realistic.

LC08_L1TP_171026_20170912_20170928_01_T1-Lake-Elton.jpg.out.pp3 (11.0 KB)


LC08_L1TP_171026_20170912_20170928_01_T1-Lake-Elton.tif.pp3 (13.3 KB)

LC08_L1TP_171026_20170912_20170928_01_T1-Lake-Elton.jpg.out.pp3 (11.6 KB)


Nicely done.

Hi Ingo, wonderful job. The best of all the ones done so far and better than the Google Earth representation at the same level of resolution - which uses images from Digital Globe rather than Landsat.

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My try in gimp and darktable.

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Thanks a lot. Here’s what I did in RT:

First I loaded the image with neutral profile and increased exposure by 2
Left is neutral, right is with +2:

Then I used a simple curve
Left is without curve, right is with curve:

Then I changed white balance:
Left is with camera white balance, right with changed white balance:

Then I enabled Tonemapping;
Left is without, right with Tonemapping:

The I enabled Sharpening and set method to RL deconvolution:
Left is without sharpening, right with:

Edit: I forgot to mention that I enabled ‘Microcontrast’ with default settings as a final step.


Nothing like a lossy JPEG to mess with - meaning that in my case, the preview was enough for me to have some fun.

Well, that looks kind of your name :wink:

Dumb it is, dumb it will remain!

Don’t take me serious please :wink:

Here’s my try.

LC08_L1TP_171026_20170912_20170928_01_T1-Lake-Elton.tif.xmp (7.8 KB)


Hi Ingo,
Thank you for that excellent overview of the steps you took in processing the image. I’m going to follow your outline and see how close I can get to your results.

@JimPlaxco Where can I download the other bands? I’d like to play with them.