Umm, maybe my post is NSFW? If so, I can bowdlerize it.
I want to discover what the light is doing to the skin. I use dcraw (slightly hacked by me) and ImageMagick.
First, a simple conversion, using camera white balance:
%DCRAW% -v -w -B0 -6 -T -O x.tiff IMG_3848.CR2
Loading Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL image from IMG_3848.CR2 ...
Multipliers pre-norm: 1789.000000 1059.000000 2234.000000
Scaling with darkness 257, saturation 3726, and
multipliers 1.689330 1.000000 2.109537
AHD interpolation...
rgb_cam: 1.6052 -0.673273 0.0680688 -0.00404173 1.34798 -0.343938 0.0175099 -0.
281704 1.26419
out_cam: 1.6052 -0.673273 0.0680688 -0.00404173 1.34798 -0.343938 0.0175099 -0.
281704 1.26419
Converting to sRGB colorspace...
Writing data to x.tiff ...
bright=1.000000, gamma_curve imax=65528
Make a small JPEG for the web:
%IMG7%magick x.tiff -resize 600 3848_x.jpg
I dislike like the skin colours.
Now, set the white balance to neutralise an area of skin, with dcraw’s “-A” option:
%DCRAW% -v -A 1618 740 400 500 -B0 -6 -T -O x1.tiff IMG_3848.CR2
Loading Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL image from IMG_3848.CR2 ...
Multipliers pre-norm: 0.012309 0.016714 0.088770
Scaling with darkness 257, saturation 3726, and
multipliers 1.000000 1.357919 7.211955
AHD interpolation...
rgb_cam: 1.6052 -0.673273 0.0680688 -0.00404173 1.34798 -0.343938 0.0175099 -0.
281704 1.26419
out_cam: 1.6052 -0.673273 0.0680688 -0.00404173 1.34798 -0.343938 0.0175099 -0.
281704 1.26419
Converting to sRGB colorspace...
Writing data to x1.tiff ...
bright=1.000000, gamma_curve imax=65528
Note the “multpliers” line is very different to the camera WB.
Crank up the colour chroma so we can clearly see how the colour varies across the skin:
magick x1.tiff -colorspace HCL -channel 1 -evaluate Pow 0.5 +channel -colorspace sRGB -resize 60 x2.jpg
Ignoring the background, look carefully at the skin colours: neutral in the center, green at the left and blue at the right.
The RGB multipliers were: 1.000000 1.357919 7.211955. If we crank up the red a bit, the green and blue will slide towards yellow and magenta. We do this with dcraw’s “-r” option:
%DCRAW% -v -r 1.2 1.357919 7.211955 1.357919 -B0 -6 -T -O xr.tiff IMG_3848.CR2
Yeah, that looks good. By luck, the wall on the left is fairly neutral. If we crank up the chroma as before to give it some punch:
Maybe that’s too punchy for my taste.
It’s a useful colour-evaluation trick: make an area neutral, and crank up the chroma (or saturation).