[PlayRaw] Snow on spider web

Yeah, my sidewalk is a skating rink.

@heckflosse’s version is fantastic but I could not use his pp3 on my non-dev standard RT 5.3 (it went into Neutral profile). This one is done using the non-nightly build. I am happy that I could more or less approximate his version!
SnowOnSpiderWeb.jpg.out.pp3 (11.4 KB)

This one should work on 5.3. Just apply neutral profile + the attached pp3
SnowOnSpiderWeb_Simple.cr2.pp3 (1.3 KB)

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I wanted to go for more of an abstract smoke-from-a-downed-jet look:
SnowOnSpiderWeb.jpg.out.pp3 (10.5 KB)


Yes. It works. Interesting to see that there is no noise reduction applied but just a tone curve and putting saturation to -100. The simplicity of it is mind boggling!

Not to forget increasing black level in exposure tool to 1200.

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SnowOnSpiderWeb.cr2.pp3 (10.5 KB)

  • GMIC Testing>Iain Fergusson> Noise Reduction 5

My version in DT. Thanks for the image :slight_smile: .

SnowOnSpiderWeb.cr2.xmp (8.5 KB)

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Here is my try, an agressive crop + monochrome:

SnowOnSpiderWeb.cr2.xmp (7.4 KB)


Impressed by the sharpness you (collectively) can bring out of that not-so-good picture…

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Boy in britches with hiking stick examining the ground. Anyone see that in the bottom left corner? :wink: I had fun playing with this image. Enjoy!

  1. PhotoFlow
    – Export unbounded linear ACES.

  2. gmic
    – Correct negative and hot pixels.
    – Convert to B&W, smooth shadows. How I handled this step determined the overall look of the image. I spent the most time here trying different things and tweaking the result.
    Equalize local histograms. Quite slow on my machine: about 6 minutes.
    – Curve to brighten image and preserve highlights.
    – Reintroduce color information.
    – Prep for sharing (resize, fp to jpg).

Edit: I didn’t put much thought into the color step. Just reintroduced the colors. Here is the B&W version. Which do you prefer?


I saw red individual pixels in the image I opened with rawproc; were them those?

How did you handle them in g’mic?

DT SnowOnSpiderWeb.cr2.xmp (7.7 KB)

Funny you mentioned red. One of my alts had blood in water as a theme (sorry if it doesn’t look right; I have a terrible screen):

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Boy in britches with hiking stick examining the ground.

I’ll stop posting here. When I post a spider the owner goes psycho, when I post ice crystals the picture acts a a Rorsach test and uncovers a bad case of pareidolia… and an obsession with blood. :smirk_cat:

Looks more like a scab peeling off…

@Ofnuts Blame @chroma_ghost for encouraging the crazy in me, @ggbutcher for pointing out the red and your profile pic for encouraging pareidolia. :clown_face:

I must say… now I’m wary of the possibility of you cuting someone’s ear and start chewing it in logarizmic ways : " " : :japanese_ogre:

That’s kind of a cross posting :sunglasses:

Bear-of-little-brain here had to look it up: “…is a type of apophenia, which is a more generalized term for seeing patterns in random data. Some common examples are seeing a likeness of Jesus in the clouds or an image of a man on the surface of the moon.”

Really, I’ve had to look up more words since I joined this group than at any prior time in my life. Metamerism, for instance, to tell me about what I already didn’t know regarding my socks… :smile: