[PlayRaw] Something different: The dead wasp

DarktableIMG_7075.CR2.xmp (8.7 KB)


First used RT and then GIMP to remove the debris lying below the wasp’s head and some minor adjustments.
IMG_7075.jpg.out.pp3 (11.0 KB)


Here’s waspy upside down, buzzing off into the great beyond. RawTherapee locallab blur&noise spot on the debris, which I didn’t notice until it was mentioned by @shreedhar.
IMG_7075.CR2.pp3 (13.6 KB)

merci a @andabata for the dead wasp’s raw and the pips sharing their processing funebre.

Digikam, with a touch of it’s powerful refocus sharpening, local contrast and instant under color effect.

bbbbzbzbzzzz… graugh plak

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I like the yellows of @andabata 's processing because that’s how vespula germanica usually looks like! Too much red in the yellow stripes of the other ones.

Just my 2 cents,



IMG_7075.CR2.pp3 (11.2 KB)

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@andabata Thank you for the raw.

Attempted to evoke the surrealism and realism of death, and the desolation it brings. Simple processing using PhotoFlow and gmic. I will include the details later. I have other ideas that I might try out later :wink:.

Quick alternative edit (ant found here: here, CC BY-SA 4.0)

Ant97: Mother, I found a wasp! How would you like it prepared?
Queen: Sunny side up! I like the raw CR2 juices!

PS I barely have any masking and compositing experience so I tried using a proprietary software first. The following result is done entirely in GIMP. I also cloned out the clipped highlights on the ant. I brightened up the original raw, warmed up the WB and added a bit of green to bring out more of the yellow.


Here’s a preset inspired by the KODACHROME look :slight_smile:

pp3: IMG_7075.jpg.out.pp3 (10.5 KB)

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IMG_7075.CR2.xmp (11.4 KB)

I was looking to neutralize the background but make the colors of the wasp pop. Used darktable.


I tried to make the look as dead as possible…

In darktable: IMG_7075.CR2.xmp (4.4 KB)


wasp.pp3 (11.0 KB)

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@wiegemalt I like your crop and rotation.

That was what I was attempting to do — dead and desolate, though I couldn’t pull it off (no likes :cry:). It might also have to do with my failed first foray into trying other color spaces.

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This isn’t Instagram :wink:

No worries, I only jest :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

Second attempt

  1. PhotoFlow
    a) Hot pixel and lens corrections
    b) Linear gamma ACES with no clipping
    c) Scale and rotate

  2. gmic
    a) Replace D65 L* with D50 L*
    b) Curve to lighten L*
    c) Subdue reds and blues
    d) Remove more hot pixels
    e) Prep for your enjoyment

Edit: oops, wrong copy.

Without scale and rotation

With scale and rotation


I didn’t try this one 'cause I prefer live ones.


I have to shoot with an 75-300mm zoom usually at around 180mm or so with a close up lens on 'cause Olympus chose to do a silly focal length macro lens. Only good point is that the zoom set up will match many crop camera dedicated macro lenses and I can usually work from around 300mm away.


That’s a fly.

:wink: Yep I know. One of many that tries to look a little like a wasp or bee etc.


I like the silliness :slight_smile:
