[PlayRaw] The dude

And here is another approach for the second one…

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden


DUDE, was waiting for that! :clap:

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Fuji XTrans II Classic Crome LUT and jpg-Illuminator to reduce saturation of the very blue coat

ND7_0894_RT-2.jpg.out.pp3 (12.5 KB)

Edit: should have used the built-in HSV equalizer!

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@Sunhillow Very nice. My favourite so far. (Edges out @Claes:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

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The reason I think the scene is difficult to work with is the saturation of the yellows and the face. :frowning:

I agree with you that the colors are bright and the skin is saturated. you can use another film preset, chrome, but I personally like it when the photo is bright and saturated. Each person has their own perception of color.

in a black and white photo, it’s better when the skin looks white rather than gray in a white-skinned person. You have a medium gray tone in the photo, the skin is dark like that of an Indian. It’s better to use the black-and-white conversion on the red channel, then the photo will be better, the skin is cleaner from imperfections .

One other pain in the butt I think is that the shots have direct sunlight in the background, but shade on the subject. If you look at @heckflosse shot it’s apparent that the sun in the background (warmer) is a different temperature (of course) than the subject in shade (colder). This throws the skin tones out of whack (similar problem to mixing artificial light with natural light).

It may require two images to be developed with the varying WB and then compositing them back together to get a good balance to start working from?

ND7_0894.NEF.pp3 (11.9 KB) fuji xtrans III CLASSIC CHROME

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so I thought I could only get it by equal conversion method. and if the layers it’s already Photoshop or gimp. in my case, my white balance was done on the skin on the face by increasing the saturation to +100, then using the sliders I get the color of the glare on the skin neutral and in conclusion I remove the saturation on 0. Bringing the white balance to the ideal on the skin, in principle, we already get the right balance throughout the photo.

In this photo, when calibrating the white balance manually by increasing the saturation to 100+, I saw that the skin from the red beard has red reflexes, the leaves are green on the skin, of the teeth and eye whites. I found neutral in the glare on the skin and again reduced saturation to 0, but on the Velvia preset all the reflexes are enhanced due to the film settings and the red beard reflex is clearly shown on the skin.

what I usually do is I “develop” for the skin to look the way I want it to, and the contrast being in the right place, and the rest falls where it does

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darktable 2.6.3
a black and white test

ND7_0894_01.NEF.xmp (16,0 Ko)

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The Dude in color.

ND7_0944.NEF.xmp (13.0 KB)

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wow; so much depth, such awesome :smiley:

Never close the last button.


My best result so far + crop

PP3 (12.9 KB)

Fuji X Astia and HSV Equalizer, rotated a little bit

ND7_0944_RT-1.jpg.out.pp3 (12.8 KB)

And here my version of the first image.

ND7_0894.NEF.xmp (11.3 KB)

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