[PlayRaw] Tree In Park

Dark clouds can make for great photos! Wind, not so much. I can see what you were going for - no noise and deep focus - but a faster shutter could have negated that motion blur. Still, quite a nice shot.

Do have a look at @Andy_Astbury1’s video’s about this new tool. Great starting point to get a grasp on/insight about this tool.


Here is a variation. An attempt to retain better detail.

tree-in-park-IMG_2464.CR2.xmp (49.0 KB)


I like this toned down (and more detailed) version a lot better :wink:

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A slightly different approach in RT, use the Lab LH CH and CC equalisers to reduce the blue branch (you’ll not unseen it now) from this

to this

upside graduated filter to tone the path down, and a vignette

IMG_2464-1.jpg.out.pp3 (14.1 KB)

well, you could also use the raw ca correction tool in RT

Left without, right with raw ca correction:


more that one way to skin a cat :slight_smile:

I’m liking RawTherapee more and more, but I haven’t abandoned darktable just yet…

tree.in.park.cr2.xmp (11.8 KB) darktable 3.2.1

Different crop and other attention points.

Here is my take in DT3.2

IMG_2464.CR2.xmp (12.8 KB)

Very nice image, tried to give it a warm autumn look:

IMG_2464.CR2.xmp (13.5 KB, dt 3.3)

DT 3.2.1

IMG_2464.CR2.xmp (9,5 KB)

Here a black & white version with almost IR quality :slight_smile: . Some artifacts, though.

IMG_2464_01.CR2.xmp (8.8 KB)

Attempt 2, it seems like I overcooked it the first time. The details in the leaves are gone…IMG_2464.CR2.xmp (11.2 KB)

IMG_2464.CR2.xmp (17.6 KB)

My attempt using dt 3.3.0-1186

and yes, I did not crop it :slight_smile:

IMG_2464.CR2.xmp (13,1 KB)

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My Take, mostly filmic, tone equalizer and color balance. Warmed up the WB.

IMG_2464.CR2.xmp (22.7 KB)


really needed to massage the different layers of contrast in this one. Nice shot.

IMG_2464.CR2.xmp (25.5 KB)

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IMG_2464.CR2.xmp (14.7 KB) IMG_2464_01.CR2.xmp (14.0 KB)

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IMG_2464.CR2.pp3 (16.5 KB)


I like square crop and B&W.