Pocketable camera choices/recommendations

Spoiler alert: My purchases (plural) are made.

Thank you for the many suggestions. I become quite convinced to have a device beyond my cellphone. I also came close to pulling the trigger on buying new the TG-7 based on some of the feedback here as well as elsewhere. Though I was quite willing to compromise on sensor physical size and megapixel count, and was attracted by the rugged rating, I eventually concluded that I would regret lack of viewfinder.

@Tamas_Papp you recommended MFT from the beginning, and I have indeed now gone that way. Thank you also for sharing the video link from micro four nerds. Neither of these on their own or combined tipped me, but certainly got me looking more.

So - on Wednesday I ordered an Olympus EM-10 second hand that arrived today and I am relieved at its excellent condition. I also determined that the M.Zuiko 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 EZ pancake lens was my preferred option. I choose not to wait until Black Friday sales in the hope of a bargain and took a risk on ordering an excellent condition used lens for approx half new price. It is advertised as without any scratch or dust.

I’ve also ordered rubber eyecup for the body and USB charger so that I can charge in my car - the supplied charger is mains voltage only, but the body did come with two batteries.

Total outlay was approx AUD 570 (approx USD 380 or EUR 350)