Posterization of the layer mask

Hi guys,

My name is Wesley and it is the first time i post here. First of all thanks for Pat to make this really cool website where i learn a ton. I write you today because i have a problem with the preview of the layer mask. When i review it it shows like the left image whent it is in reality like the right one.

I am a bit confused. Can you explain me why it happens?

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What program are you talking about?

Oh sorry i forgot to mention. It’s Gimp.

See this, it’s relevant to every program:

How did you create the layer mask? (What are the steps you followed to get to the posterized result)?

Thanks for the link i’ll read it carefully

I follow your tutorial on luminosity mask revisited. I did the exact same step. In the channel layer the mask look perfect but i apply it on a layer and display the mask it look posterize. But the funny thing is if i apply it to the layer the result is clean. It is very weird.

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That is odd. So too say it works just fine as a mask, but displays posterized when you set the mask to visible?

What version of GIMP are you on?
Could you upload a sample .xcf file that this happens in? (You can use a service like

This is exactly that. I use gimp gimp 2.8 and gimp 2.9.3. The file is available here.

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I can confirm that I see the same thing, and it looks like it might be be a bug. I’ve filed a report here:

Thanks for reporting. It can be a real problem when refining the mask for sublte retouch. And thanks for this website this is really cool. If i notice some others bugs i’ll report it.

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