Hi guys. The last few days I’ve been trying out Natron to see if it’s a viable solution for our small studio. Hopefully we could finally replace After Effects and other Adobe’s software. We mostly work with 2d drawn animation so our use case a bit more different than the typical 3d workflow.
So far I’ve been really impressed with Natron. But one tool that is indispensable for me is the Posterize Time effect. Many times I have to half the frame rate, or divide it by 3, to sync effects and textures to the drawn animation.
Is this somehow achievable in Natron? I would appreciate any help.
For now, use Blackmagic fusion & DaVinci Resolve.
Right now Natron is not production ready.
I would use Fusion if I could. But the moment I try to import a few different high resolution sequences and compose them, Resolve gives me “the GPU memory is full” error.
I’m not sure if I’m making a mistake setting it up or something, but the moment I try to replicate a shot that I do on a daily basis on after effects, it always freezes up eventually.
I tried to Google it many times and I’ve never found a good answer apart from “buy a better card”
For now, Natron has actually worked quite well. It’s mostly on a node to node basis that I find some hiccups.
Unfortunately there isn’t a direct replacement for Posterize Time. The closest I’ve found is to use the FrameHold node.
First, on your Read Node set the After value for Last Frame to Loop.
Then for a bit of maths! Take your current frame rate (e.g. 24), divide it by the desired frame rate (12) and paste that value into the Increment value in FrameHold. As you can see it’ll only accept integer values.
Not an ideal solution but all there is until a Posterize Time feature is built!
Perfect! It works as expected and it’s pretty easy to setup. Thanks!
oh great! 
I’ve never used After Effects or the Posterize Time node. Were my instructions correct or did you have to do additional steps?
Yeah, it’s pretty much it. If Frame Hold is set to zero increment value it just holds that frame, if one it plays at the original frame rate, if two it waits for every second frame to change the new image, and so on.
Pretty simple to use!
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