This is what I’m cooking today !
Shot with my Sony tablet. Do you think I can get something nice from this ?
You need at least an iPad or Pixel tablet for good photos. Sorry.
Just don’t mash them!
Looks good indeed !
Thanks @David_Tschumperle. It has been proved that generally people like to see odd number of objects in a frame (you will notice that in most food photographs there are one, three or five objects). So processed in such a way that the 8th potato and the distracting background is removed. Done entirely using G’MIC.
Hope they tasted good as well. Cheers
@David_Tschumperle What did you end up making? Did you take a snap of the completed dish?
It looks innocent and happy, while the @shreedhar’s version is a kind of opposite.
No, just basic fried potatoes, I’m not a talented cooker