so I’m creating an ofx plugin for Davinci and I have a problem linking a third party library (libtorch). I tried including the DLL’s to the same folder as the .ofx and apply a manifest to it but don’t seem to work. Do you have an idea on why ? Thank you
- Does it work in Natron?
- What version of OpenFX are you using? Official or Natron fork?
- Last time I checked the Natron fork (master branch) was broken on other hosts
- Have you checked the dependencies? (using Dependency Walker)
Thank you for replying,
- I don’t use Natron, for now I’m making the plugin for Davinci Resolve.
- I’m using the official version of OpenFX v 1.4
- I used Dependency Walker and it does seem everything is ok with it.
In one of your comments, you mentioned having the DLLs in the same folder as the .ofx plugin and apply a manifest to the plugin, if it’s possible, can you elaborate on this.
Thank you again, I’ve been on this issue for a week now.