Problem with pasting new layer

Hello, I’ve been using GIMP for years but now it is behaving strangely. I have a white background layer, size A4 . I open a new image (a green bird). I select all (of the green bird), cut, then paste onto the other image, the white A4. I convert the ‘floating selection’ (green bird) to a new layer. That works fine. But when I try to resize the green bird I find it has attached itself somehow to the size of the background (the white A4) I did not want this to merge with background. I have it as a separate layer, why has it started associating itself with the background? I’ve tried locking/unlocking layers. Any help would be massively appreciated! Thanks, Eve. `

Are you using the scale tool from the toolbox ?
Make sure you are using the correct mode - Layer mode and not Image mode.

FWIW a short animation

There are other tools for scaling - Unified Transform tool as well as from the menu Layer → Scale layer


Oh THANK YOU SO MUCH! That sorted it. I was going out of my mind! Have a super weekend.