Problem with running the script ("OSC_Preprocessing")


I’m very new into astrophotography and wanted to stack my first photo.

So I started with putting the lights, darks, biases and flats in right directories (as it is described in the Tutorial).

If I run the script “OSC_Preprocessing”, it doesnt complete it.
In the sequence “Running command: stack” it interrupts.

I would be very thankful if someone could help me, I’m completely thrown up.

Here is the Console of “Running command: stack”:

01:20:28: # Stack Flat Frames to
01:20:28: Running command: stack
01:20:28: Checking sequences in the directory: D:\Programme\Siril\S\process.
01:20:28: Stacking sequence pp_flat_
01:20:28: Processing all images in the sequence (31)
01:20:28: Computing normalization…
01:20:28: With the current memory and thread (16) limits, up to 16 thread(s) can be used for sequence normalization
01:20:29: Reading FITS: file, 3 layer(s), 6240x4160 pixels, 32 bits
01:20:29: Reading FITS: file, 3 layer(s), 6240x4160 pixels, 32 bits
01:20:29: Reading FITS: file, 3 layer(s), 6240x4160 pixels, 32 bits
01:20:29: Reading FITS: file, 3 layer(s), 6240x4160 pixels, 32 bits
01:20:29: Reading FITS: file, 3 layer(s), 6240x4160 pixels, 32 bits
01:20:29: Reading FITS: file, 3 layer(s), 6240x4160 pixels, 32 bits
01:20:29: Reading FITS: file, 3 layer(s), 6240x4160 pixels, 32 bits
01:20:29: Reading FITS: file, 3 layer(s), 6240x4160 pixels, 32 bits
01:20:29: Reading FITS: file, 3 layer(s), 6240x4160 pixels, 32 bits
01:20:29: Reading FITS: file, 3 layer(s), 6240x4160 pixels, 32 bits
01:20:29: Reading FITS: file, 3 layer(s), 6240x4160 pixels, 32 bits
01:20:29: Reading FITS: file, 3 layer(s), 6240x4160 pixels, 32 bits
01:20:29: Reading FITS: file, 3 layer(s), 6240x4160 pixels, 32 bits
01:20:29: Reading FITS: file, 3 layer(s), 6240x4160 pixels, 32 bits
01:20:29: Reading FITS: file, 3 layer(s), 6240x4160 pixels, 32 bits
01:20:31: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:31: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:31: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:31: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:31: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:31: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:31: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:31: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:31: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:31: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:31: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:31: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:31: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:31: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:31: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:33: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:33: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:33: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:33: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:33: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:33: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:33: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:33: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:33: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:33: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:33: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:33: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:33: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:33: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:34: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:34: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:34: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:35: Normalization failed. Check image 5 first.
01:20:35: Normalization failed. Check image 23 first.
01:20:35: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:35: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:35: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:35: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:35: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:35: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:35: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:35: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:35: Normalization failed. Check image 21 first.
01:20:35: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:35: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:35: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:35: Normalization failed. Check image 1 first.
01:20:35: Normalization failed. Check image 18 first.
01:20:35: Normalization failed. Check image 13 first.
01:20:35: Normalization failed. Check image 20 first.
01:20:35: Normalization failed. Check image 15 first.
01:20:35: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:35: Normalization failed. Check image 11 first.
01:20:35: Normalization failed. Check image 17 first.
01:20:35: Normalization failed. Check image 24 first.
01:20:35: Normalization failed. Check image 7 first.
01:20:35: Normalization failed. Check image 9 first.
01:20:35: Normalization failed. Check image 19 first.
01:20:35: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:35: Normalization failed. Check image 22 first.
01:20:35: Reading FITS: file, 3 layer(s), 6240x4160 pixels, 32 bits
01:20:36: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:36: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:37: MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed.
01:20:37: Normalization failed. Check image 3 first.
01:20:37: Stacking failed, please check the log to fix your issue.
01:20:37: Execution time: 8.94 s
01:20:37: Setting CWD (Current Working Directory) to ‘D:\Programme\Siril\S’
01:20:37: Script execution failed.

I can’t help with the OSC script but I recommend that you get the Sirilic script from the Siril website . It is very easy to use and automates the whole stacking process. It works well on default settings. I have used it for color, dual and, and narrowband.

Here it fails to compute statistics, from calibrated flats. You should open one of them to check it out.

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Hey, thank you for the answere.

Isnt the “OSC_Preprocessing” the build in script I should use (DLSR Photos)?
Here one the Siril website this script is the first one mentioned.

Hey, thank you. That seems to be the problem, but how do I find out what exactly is wrong about the Flats?

I tried it again today and the console prompts:

10:48:23: # Calibrate Flat Frames
10:48:23: Running command: calibrate
10:48:23: Checking sequences in the directory: D:\Programme\Siril\Test 1\process.
10:48:23: Reading FITS: file bias_stacked, 3 layer(s), 6240x4160 pixels, 16 bits
10:48:23: Preprocessing…
10:48:23: Preprocessing: with the current memory and thread limits, up to 16 thread(s) can be used
10:48:23: Preprocessing: processing…
10:48:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
10:48:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
10:48:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
10:48:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
10:48:23: Images must have same dimensions.
10:48:23: Images must have same dimensions.
10:48:23: Images must have same dimensions.
10:48:23: Images must have same dimensions.
10:48:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
10:48:23: Images must have same dimensions.
10:48:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
10:48:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
10:48:23: Images must have same dimensions.
10:48:23: Images must have same dimensions.
10:48:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
10:48:23: Images must have same dimensions.
10:48:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
10:48:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
10:48:23: Images must have same dimensions.
10:48:23: Images must have same dimensions.
10:48:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
10:48:23: Images must have same dimensions.
10:48:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
10:48:23: Images must have same dimensions.
10:48:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
10:48:23: Images must have same dimensions.
10:48:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
10:48:23: Images must have same dimensions.
10:48:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
10:48:23: Images must have same dimensions.
10:48:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
10:48:23: Images must have same dimensions.
10:48:23: Sequence processing failed.
10:48:23: Setting CWD (Current Working Directory) to ‘D:\Programme\Siril\Test 1’
10:48:23: Script execution failed.

If I get it correctly, something with the image dimensions is wrong?
But they are all 6264 x 4180 (RAWs and FITs)…

Only the size is different:
The size of the Darks is about 28-28,5MB, of the Lights about 35,5MB and the Flats 18,4MB. Does this mean anything?

I tried running the " OSC_Preprocessing_WithoutDark" and it worked. So the Problem needs to be on the Flats, I just dont know what it is.

I read:

Reading FITS: file bias_stacked, 3 layer(s), 6240x4160 pixels, 16 bits
It should not be in 3 channels. You have a mix of images. Please read this page: Calibration — Siril 1.2.0 documentation

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Thank you,
It seems like that was my problem.

I had so many errors yesterday that I tried using JPGs.
As I tried it again today, I forgot to replace the Bias photos with the RAWs as I did with the others…

It now worked and the console in the “# Calibrate Flat Frames” section had no errors:

12:38:23: # Calibrate Flat Frames
12:38:23: Running command: calibrate
12:38:23: Checking sequences in the directory: D:\Programme\Siril\Test 1\process.
12:38:23: Reading FITS: file bias_stacked, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:23: Preprocessing…
12:38:23: Preprocessing: with the current memory and thread limits, up to 16 thread(s) can be used
12:38:23: Preprocessing: processing…
12:38:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:23: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Saving FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6264x4180 pixels, 16 bits
12:38:24: Sequence processing succeeded.
12:38:24: Execution time: 810.51 ms

I’m not really happy with the result but I guess that’s my fault (when I took photos yesterday there was a full moon).

Thank you guys for the Help!

I am very new also, so I can’t help much with the output of the log files. Lock042 sounds like he will be better at interpreting those. My naive reading is that the logs are showing different problems at different points, The MAD is Null error would indicate problems computing statistics for a variety of reasons, one of which is a difference in the files size, resolution, or bit depth. The later error about different dimensions could be pointing to the same issue. But your dimensions seem the same and (to my knowledge) differing file size in MB should not be an issue. The last error youLock42 discussed with you might be the answer. The bias file has three layers vs 1 for all others. Try running without bias files and see what happens. As to which is the right script, either can be used. I prefer Sirilic because it can be used for all types of files. I do a lot of remote imaging, so I am back and forth between mono and broadband images and the more versatile Sirilic script works with them all. Just another thought, if you can’t sort out your file problems. One time I just could not get Siril preprocessing to work so I tried Deep Sky Stacker and it worked fine. I then went back to Siril for further processing. DSS is free and easy to use, although I think it too would choke on the bias frame difference from the others. I have been using PixInsight recently and ran into a set of files that I could not get to stack for the life of me, so I tossed them into Sirilic and Siril handled them without a problem.

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