Hi people, I’m a newbie in rawtherapee but I’ve noticed that my photos developed from CR3 raws, compared to developing them with adobe lightroom MOBILE, I notice that the resulting jpg with lightroom MOBILE has much more definition than with rawtherapee…with rawtherapee they look washed out…what am I doing wrong? What demosaic is better to use for canon? Any options?? Maybe I went overboard with noise reduction? I have an R7… BUT there are so many options in rawtherapee that sometimes I don’t know if I’m doing it right? I’m showing you a jpg obtained from a raw with lightroom MOBILE and another obtained with rawtherapee…
What order or steps to follow to properly edit a canon raw (cr3)? Advice, tips please.
Sharpness in RT can only be assessed at 100 percent… if you note many of the modules have a one to one indicator in the header to show that… it can be extreme with RT…esp for noise reduction…it can look like nothing is corrected until you go to actual size preview and then the noise reduction kicks in …so you will have to export your jpg bring it back in and then compare that…you should be able to get it plenty sharp in RT and often images are way oversharpened and full of artifacts in a lot of software…they might look okay at a quick glance but if you look for a moment it becomes apparent
Thanks…but if i import a cr3 file in RT… By default applies a aggressive noise reduction?? If you campare my 2 files is evident the clear and sharpness in jpg with watermark (lightroom) and another jpg without watermark is very blurry in details…
Hi @Jowe79, with future images, please post a crop of problematic sections that have at least a little bit of jpeg compression applied. We have little interest in hosting your 25 and 38 MB jpgs. Please be considerate of our resources. Thanks!
Your RawTherapee images looks pretty bad. You should consider posting the sidecar file so people can at least checkout what you have or haven’t done.
How i post sidecar file???
It might be worth putting this image in the PlayRaw category so you can see how others edit it. If I am honest I like neither edit and feel you can aim for much better than what LR produced here.
In my view the top image looks dark and overcooked for sharpness. The bottom image has nicer sharpness, but could benefit from additional local contrast adjustments to put punch and detail into the image.
It’s not my main editor but I thought RT only applied chroma NR which should not impact sharpness but maybe I am thinking of ART… To be honest I didn’t think you will even see any impact from NR unless you are zoomed in to 100 %
I just opened your image and the only thing for me in RT 5.11 at least the way it is set up on my PC and I think that is pretty well the default as I haven’t changed much if anything after installing it, was the automatched tone curve for low iso and capture sharpening… no noise reduction etc… and then the image could be made quite sharp pretty easily…
So I think its a combination of a heavy edit or default style in LR and a very basic one in RT out of the gate with the further thing that you need to be at 100% to assess this in RT…
Drag and drop it on the editor window