Problematic sunset light


That is a conscious decision by me. I don’t think that the sky looks all that good when it is that orange/warm. There’s also the problem that the top left will be pushed too far when keeping it that warm and the red channel starts to clip.

Maybe this is more to your liking:

sunset.light-1.jpg.out.pp3 (22.0 KB) Rawtherapee 5.8 Development.

I basically reversed the taming and pushed it towards more saturated and slightly darker. It can be pushed even further, but as you might have understood I’m already having issues with this pushed version :sweat_smile:

PS: Did this one with RawTherapee, but the same can be done with the darktable edit I did: Play (mainly) with the color balance RGB module to warm things up.

BTW: In real life: The more things are warmed up (made more orange) the more this reflects in the clouds as well.


I’m generally not a fan of overly pushed colors, but for some images it can sometimes be required to get a ‘natural’ result. As I said, I took these photos just as a reaction to the insane colors I saw out my window. This last edit of yours feels to me very much like my memory of the moment…

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My version…

IMG_9890.CR2.xmp (15.5 KB)

Thank you all for the great edits and inputs, truly awesome :+1:

I think this will be my final edit of this one, at least for today.

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Filmulator handles it easily, retaining the color in the warm sky and also leaving the clouds gray.

  • Highlight Recovery 2
  • Exposure Comp -1.5
  • Shadow Rolloff Point 0.0147
  • Drama 56
  • White Clipping Point 0.587
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Very nice edit :slight_smile: Filmulator has surprised med everytime I’ve looked at it. I havent tried it in a long time now though, maybe I should install it again.

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This is my version:

IMG_9890.CR2.xmp (18.9 KB)

This is my attempt:
IMG_9890.CR2.xmp (18.0 KB)


IMG_9890.CR2.xmp (9.9 KB)

DT 3.8

“quick and dirty” with my standard set of tools in dt 3.8.1

IMG_9890.CR2.xmp (8,2 KB)

As I mentioned in other threads, I’m a sunsetlover and have hundreds of sunsets. Several times I complained about colorshifting, e.g. orange → magenta. This is caused by “preserve chrominance” in filmic. Until today, I don’t understand this, just as desaturating blacks.
Actually, Aurelian has made a YT-Video about this.
I have to watch this Video serveral times - I’ not the most clever human in the world :wink:
In the video he repairs colorshifting remaining “preserve chrominance”.

Many thanks for that.

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my try with RT and Gimp

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Vos photos sont magnifiques, il y a une ambiance particulière qui nous transporte

I had to use Google translate for that one, thank you Google, brilliant service.

But thank you @Domii , I’m humbled :blush::pray:

One year later …

IMG_9890.CR2.xmp (Ansel) (37.9 KB)


That’s actually really nice, well done :+1::grinning:

Thanks for posting.

DT 4.0.0

IMG_9890.CR2.xmp (8.7 KB)

Washed out the sky to maybe not enough for what I was looking for… thanks for sharing the photo…

IMG_9890.CR2.xmp (13.7 KB)

One without filmic and sigmoid, using tone EQ instead.

IMG_9890.CR2.xmp (26.4 KB)