problems in vkdt display

Hello !
Some problems using latest vkdt version:

When I compile from git or when I use the vkdt appimage, I get this same display in the node editor:

Is this display compliant? (very different from the one obtained previously)
Furthermore, dual monitor in “seeting” does not work any more for me.

I join result of “vkdt -d all > ~/Documents/test.txt”

test.txt (35.1 KB)

oh, you went to this version straight from the last release? the git/to-be-released version uses nuklear instead of dear imgui for rendering ui elements. this changed the visual style (but now you can zoom into the graph…).

vkdt now comes with style.txt that defines a lot of the ui colours so you can customise this if you want.

as to dual screen: yeah sorry, i have to reimplement this thing in nuklear. i don’t usually have a secondary screen so i forget, but i think it’s a useful feature and i want to put it back.

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OK, thank’s for your answer. I think we can find some documentation about how to customise different parts of ui in style.txt.
I have a question about the visualisation of links between nodes : some time they are over and some time under nodes; is there a way to choose that ?

the drawing routine is not very smart. i think it just does its thing and draws the active module last, so it’ll be on top of the rest. every module is responsible for drawing the connectors to their input (because that’s well defined as opposed to outputs which might go to multiple targets) and that’s how it happens. i find this usually gives me enough leeway to wiggle the modules around to understand where the connections are going.

would you have better ideas? maybe highlight the connectors from the active module?

btw pushed initial support for dual monitor again. it’s work in progress and still limited, so far it just pops out the window with the main image render, but doesn’t allow resizing or input.

“would you have better ideas? maybe highlight the connectors from the active module?”
Ho ! i don’t know ! If it is possible, i think it could be fine to force to always draw the links above the modules and to force to always draw at the level of a module the outgoing links towards the front (to the right of the module) and incoming links from the back (to the left of the module) whatever the relative position of the following and preceding modules.