Problems with ART and ON1 NoNoise DNG files

I am both a user of Rawtherapee and ART (I haven’t decided which to use yet as my standard raw editor). I recently found a problem with RT and On1 NoNoise which I logged on the RT Forum (Problems with RT and ON1 NoNoise DNG files - #12 by sgotti). It appeared that this required a fix to the code. I notice a similar issue with ART. I assume that a similar fix will be need to be applied to ART.
In general is there any process to review bug fixes in RT and decide whether they also need to be applied to ART, or once the fork was created are both forks progressing completely independently?


Thanks for reporting, I’ll take a look.

The two projects are indeed independent and follow their own paths, but being based on a common ancestor they still share a lot of code, and so a lot of bugs… There’s no general rule to decide whether an issue is common to both I’m afraid. Just remember that there is no effort to keep them compatible, so different behaviours can be possible without this being considered a bug (this is a general remark, not specific to this issue).

Thanks for the feedback Alberto. It is what I expected. I guess as the two forks diverge more and more it becomes more difficult to automatically assess whether a bug in one is likely to impact the other.

Should be fixed now, at least when libraw is enabled. I didn’t test with the (deprecated) built-in decoder

Alberto, many thanks for fixing this so quickly.