Problems with Darktable and Mac OSX Catalina (solved with dt

The same thing happened to me when updating to Catalina. I love darktable but now I can’t access any folders in my external hard drive. I get the message “Error opening directory”
I’m getting the same issue with Gimp. Dead in the water. (Fingers crossed for a quick solution!)

You are a wizard!! Thank you SO MUCH!! :smile: It works!!

Uh how do I open it through my command line ?

Open a terminal and paste . /Applications/

I’ve made 3 scripts that combine this solutions:

1st script executes script 2 + 3
2st script: dopens the DARKTABLE via Terminal
3rd script: closes the Terminal after you’ve closed DARKTABLE

Unzip and copy to Desktop (for example):
Start (1.1 MB)

Unzip and copy to Programs: (15.9 MB)

The files are a bit tall because I’ve made applications of it, so that the script editor doesn’t start.

You can also use just this script to run it. Just open the script editor, insert this code and save it as (option) Application. Run!

Darktable via Terminal

tell application "Terminal"
	do shell script "/Applications/"
	set WindowNum to get window count
	if WindowNum = 1 then
		tell application "System Events" to keystroke "w" using command down
	end if
end tell

Hi, the latest update dt solved the problem for me (Mac Osx Catlina 10.15.1) without using terminal anymore.

Thank you very much !!!