Processing a nightscape in Siril

Hi Sebastien,

I just found your tutorial and wanted to follow along with it to get used to Siril. Unfortunately, the link for the raw files is dead. Could you re-upload the files or correct the link, please?
That would be very much appreciated. Thanks a lot!

Hi. The link to the files could not be found. Is it possible to fix the problem? thanks.

I think I have followed the whole process and have run the scripts on the tutorial files and on my own. The issue I have with the tute files is that when applying the Histogram stretch in Siril the whole result is dominated by the red channel. Autostretch and Asinh don’t produce much detail. Using it on my raw frames I get a better more balanced result.

Please, read official tutorials on the website too. Because this is normal


Sorry about the missing file, I don’t know how to fix it, it’s quite old now.
Anyways, I still have the files on my google drive, you can find those here: Siril_Tutorial – Google Drive

Hi - the link to “whole folder” ( is broken. Was that what you referred to in the post above?

Hello,thanks a lot for the tutorial. I watch you it, nice. I have a problem, i can not find the script to do it, where is it? also was impossible to download the file with the files fot process.
thanks a lot, nice way to explain