I have been using the dt 4.9 releases without any hassle but when I installed dt5.0 all my GFX raw files have turned purple. I removed the history from the image, to no avail.
Didn’t this come up before…is there maybe alternate versions of the sensor or its not applying the right wb coefficients… I just saw this in passing but for sure this came up in the past…maybe required a manual tweak… I think if you search you will find it… I will later if I dont’ see an update…
I thought it could be the raw black/white point too but I’ve been going from one version to the later ones and the values haven’t changed. (1022/1023/1023/1023/16383)
White balance module hasn’t changed either.
When I switch from 4.9.0+1181 to 5.0.0 the image switches from good colours to purple and back again.
Yes it was a blackpoint issue if I recall that I was thinking about…so no go there… what are your wb coefficients… I only have RT on my work PC… the values it opens with are 1.7 ish and 1 and 2 ish…
I know you are in DT but I can’t use it currently where I am …
Here are the RT numbers…
Are other images fine?? the the GFX ones are changing…
I’ve sometimes had images go purple-ish, often the preview, and only temporarily, so I think that’s something else. However there is something odd about your raw, it’s sluggish on my (none-GPU) system, for example 5s to demosaic the 82Mb
76.5202 [dev_pixelpipe] took 4.927 secs (36.749 CPU) [full] processed `demosaic’ on CPU, blended on CPU
Whereas a 67MB CR2 took only .8s
205.5475 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0.801 secs (5.615 CPU) [full] processed `demosaic’ on CPU, blended on CPU
The wb coefficients and the matrix used in DT seem to be identical to RT which opened it fine and as Nicolas mentions the previous version of DT did as well so not the black point, not the matrix and not the white balance it would seem so it is a bit curious. Can it be a libraw vs rawspeed change??
By the way I get 64 or 62 I can’t recall for raw blackpoint and that seems to be in the specs so your 1023 seems different …I was able to install v5 DT in the WIndows sandbox so it was totally clean. But either value still gave purple images…