Python questions

Take the “Owl book”. The first edition did have a chapter on Python, which was removed in later editions. But you don’t care, because these are small implementation/usage details, and the book is very good at explaining the basics (and also some not so basic stuff).

This is a very useful skill, and I have several times replaced several dozens of lines of bad code with a Regex (in Python, Java, Bash, C++…).

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Any idea how I can convert this to c++ code?

def xelf_factors(n):
    pf = primefactors(n)
    af = { reduce(mul,x) for z in range(1,len(pf)) for x in combinations(pf,z) }
    return sorted({1,n}|af)

def primefactors(n):
    factors,d = [],2
    while n > 1:
        while n%d==0:
    return factors

That is the fastest way to find factors of number.

My C++ is rusty, and this is about Python.

If instead of keeping the factors as a plain sequence you create a (factor,power) sequence, then the output of xelf_factors is just a matter of iterating all factors:

def primespowers(n):
    while n > 1:
        while n%d==0:
        if power!=0:
    return primesWithPower

def products(primesWithPower):
    if len(primesWithPower)==0:
        return [1]
    for pow in range(0,maxpower+1):
        result.extend([x*(divisor**pow) for x in others])
    return result
def divisors(n):
    return products(primesWithPower)

You can recurse without fear, if your max integer is 2^64-1, you cannot have more that 63 divisors (this also means that you can allocate an array of 63 factors at the beginning).

In this form the conversion to C or C++ is a lot more straightforward.

Well, I found the closest to manual conversion:

 all possible combinations of those prime factors.

Here's a implementation without much optimization using uint64_t instead of multiprecision that completes within 305 ms for input 10,000,000,000,000,000 on my machine.

Note that the preformance will get significantly worse for a larger number of distinct prime factors. (12132 ms for the product of the smallest 14 primes). This is caused by the fact that there are just more combinations to calculate/print.

#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

using PrimeFactors = std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>>;

std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>> FindFactors(uint64_t n)
    PrimeFactors primeFactors;

    uint64_t square = static_cast<uint64_t>(std::sqrt(n));
    for (uint64_t i = 2; i <= square && i <= n; ++i)
        bool isPrime = true;
        for (auto [prime, exponent] : primeFactors)
            if (prime * prime > i)
            if (i % prime == 0u)
                isPrime = false;

        if (isPrime)
            uint64_t count = 0;
            while (n % i == 0)
                n /= i;
            primeFactors.emplace_back(i, count);
            if (count != 0)
                square = static_cast<uint64_t>(std::sqrt(n));
    if (n != 1)
        primeFactors.emplace_back(n, 1);
    return primeFactors;

void PrintFactors(uint64_t factor, PrimeFactors::const_iterator pos, PrimeFactors::const_iterator const end)
    while (pos != end)
        while (pos != end && pos->second == 0)
        auto newFactor = factor;
        for (auto count = pos->second; count != 0; --count)
            newFactor *= pos->first;
            std::cout << newFactor << '\n';
            PrintFactors(newFactor, pos + 1, end);

int main()
    using Clock = std::chrono::steady_clock;

    uint64_t const input = 10'000'000'000'000'000ull;
    //uint64_t const input = 2ull * 3ull * 5ull * 7ull *11ull * 13ull *17ull * 19ull * 23ull * 29ull *31ull*37ull * 41ull*43ull;

    auto start = Clock::now();
    auto factors = FindFactors(input);

    // print
    std::cout << 1 << '\n';
    PrintFactors(1, factors.begin(), factors.end());
    auto end = Clock::now();
    std::cout << "took " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end - start).count() << " ms\n";

My main goal is to convert the fastest solution to G’MIC. Will try yours too.

LOL - I will add a C++ tag to this thread.

To answer @Reptorian’s previous question of why I am interested in Python (again; I used Python 2 for some image processing a long time ago but forgot most of it): I enjoy the Jupyter notebook concept where I can sort of see the code in action.

I would love to see some of those work, but not on this thread.

Ok, looks like I will improve upon the current python script I use for incrementing number.

Here’s the code:

import re
test_string="variable_a=$7 variable_a=$18 variable_b,variable_8=${19-20} variable_d=$21 blur 10 ${10=}"
y = re.split(r'(?:\${?)(\d+)\-*(?:(\d+)(?:\}))*', test_string)


# ['variable_a=', '7', None, ' variable_a=', '18', None, ' variable_b,variable_c=', '19', '20', ' variable_d=', '21', None, ' blur 10']
# Note that '$'s are gone, and ${ - }s are gone as well. 19 and 20 is supppose to be in the form of ${19-20}. 7 is suppose to be in the form of $7.

The problem is in the comment. The goal is to change all numbers that match the specified regex case as long as they are greater than a number, and the change would be adding by a number (subtraction too).

Also, I will be keeping these two regex code here for use later:

# These will be used for verifying a string is in this form, so I can extract number and add numbers.

I don’t know if these two regex cases are needed.

Do you want the result as a list or do you want the initial string with the numbers updated?

Initial string with numbers updated. Also, I updated the test_string. ${=v} case should be factored in as well, but that is detected by the regex code.

I don’t see a {=v} just a ${v=} ({10=}).

${v=} is correct. My bad.

@Ofnuts I’m so close, but I had help from python discord. Now, here’s the current code.

from functools import partial
import re
import pyperclip as pc

test_string="variable_a=$7 variable_a=$18 variable_b,variable_8=${19-20} variable_d=$21 blur 10 ${10=}"

# gmic_str_paste=pc.paste()
# gmic_str=str(gmic_str_paste)

pattern = re.compile(r"(?<=\$)(?:\{(\d+)-(\d+)}|(\d+))|\$\{(\d+)=\}")

def addfunc(m, *, n, v):
    def incif(num):
        return num + n if num > v else num

    a, b, c , d = m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4]
    if a and b:
        a = incif(int(a))
        b = incif(int(b))
        return f'{{{a}-{b}}}'
    elif c:
        c = incif(int(c))
        return f'{c}'
    elif d:
        d = incif(int(d))
        return f'${{{d}}}'

add = partial(addfunc, n=1, v=4)
out_string = pattern.sub(add, test_string)

It’s just case ${v=} that’s the problem.

EDIT: with return "${"+str(d)+"=}", I think this can work.

Ok, in slow-mo:

  • (?<=\$): must follow a dollar sign (a.k.a. “look-behind”)
  • (?:...): non-capturing group, just to avoid a useless match
  • (...|...|...): any of these patterns will do, matched string end up in the relevant group
  • \{(\d+)-(\d+)}: trying to match the {19-20} form (so ${19-20}), but could require escaping the closing brace
  • (\d+): matches an integer (so $7, $18)

Now where thing get bad:

  • You just want to add a new pattern in there to extract a number between a { and a '=}(the$` is taken care of by the initial look-behind
  • So no need for that new $ and just add your pattern in the main OR’ing pattern:
pattern = re.compile(r"(?<=\$)(?:\{(\d+)-(\d+)\}|(\d+)|\{(\d+)=\})")


from functools import partial
import re

test_string="variable_a=$7 variable_a=$18 variable_b,variable_8=${19-20} variable_d=$21 blur 10 ${10=}"

# gmic_str_paste=pc.paste()
# gmic_str=str(gmic_str_paste)

pattern = re.compile(r"(?<=\$)(?:\{(\d+)-(\d+)\}|(\d+)|\{(\d+)=\})")

def addfunc(m, *, n, v):
    def incif(num):
        return num + n if num > v else num

    a, b, c , d = m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4]
    if a and b:
        a = incif(int(a))
        b = incif(int(b))
        return f'{{{a}-{b}}}'
    elif c:
        c = incif(int(c))
        return f'{c}'
    elif d:
        d = incif(int(d))
        return f'{{{d}=}}'

add = partial(addfunc, n=1, v=4)
out_string = pattern.sub(add, test_string)


variable_a=$7 variable_a=$18 variable_b,variable_8=${19-20} variable_d=$21 blur 10 ${10=}
variable_a=$8 variable_a=$19 variable_b,variable_8=${20-21} variable_d=$22 blur 10 ${11=}
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Ok, I have a tricky problem here. Yes, I have a code that does something like this, but it is limited, and this one seem to be closer to a more reasonable code. This one doesn’t factor into whether ‘(’ or ‘{’ are next to types, and that makes it a improvement. In addition, it can find variable name and types outside of cases where they’re not next to #@gui.

Behold this code:

import re

sample_str="""#@gui Sample Code: fx_rep_sample
#@gui :Integer Value=int(0,0,5)
#@gui :Float value=float(0,0,5)
#@gui :Choices=choice(0,"First Choice","Second Choice")
#@gui :Point Location=point(50,50)
#@gui :Press this Button=button()
#@gui :Text Input=text("Here's a text")
#@gui :Checkmark=bool(0)
#@gui :Color A=color(0,50,20)
#@gui :Color B=color(210,55,180,220)
#@gui :_=note("Separated"),Variable After Comma=choice(0,"A","B")"""

result_re=re.findall(r'(\#\@gui\ :)(.*,)?(.*)=(int|choice|text|bool|color|point|button|float)',sample_str)


The goal is to turn sample_str into this (and the reverse):

#@gui Sample Code: fx_rep_sample
#@gui :1.Integer Value=int(0,0,5)
#@gui :2.Float value=float(0,0,5)
#@gui :3.Choices=choice(0,"First Choice","Second Choice")
#@gui :4.5.Point Location=point(50,50)
#@gui :6.Press this Button=button()
#@gui :7.Text Input=text("Here's a text")
#@gui :8.Checkmark=bool(0)
#@gui :9.10.11.Color A=color(0,50,20)
#@gui : B=color(210,55,180,220)
#@gui :_=note("Separated"),16.Variable After Comma=choice(0,"A","B")

Here are some of the rules:

int => 1
float => 1
choice => 1
point => 2
button => 1
text => 1
bool => 1
color with 3 number => 3
color with 4 number => 4

Lines in which regex doesn’t find anything should not be modified.

Some note I made is that splitlines can be used to solve most problem except the last line. That’s the part I’m stumped on. Do I use regex split to solve that?

EDIT: I solved my code as evidenced in this post - Some Python-Based script to make G'MIC scripting easier - #6 by Reptorian