I trie this code: montage *.jpg -tile 2x -background white -geometry +2+2 result.jpg
It results in one big file that has all the images in it- and there’s a gap between pairs
If I try with one pair of photos only, the gap is still there between the 2 photos and the new file size is much smaller than the original file. Original files are 450kB each but resulting file is 198kB
Don’t know what to do now - and I have 800 pairs of photo to join
I’m going to post this afresh as it’s own question
Hey, so I finally got to try out your code for the progressive crop.
I’ve run into these errors and I was hoping you could help me out? If it isn’t too much trouble
Thank you
")syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is "
")syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is "
./rt.txt: line 17: syntax error near unexpected token $'do\r'' '/rt.txt: line 17:
for f in “${files[@]}”;do
I’m using notepad and it saves as a txt file by default - however, I was able to remove the txt extension but I’m getting the same errors
So it comes down to using a different editor - I’m installing notepad++
Edit - the same errors happened with notepad++