Question about clone tool

When using the clone tool, it seems to grab other colors in the area for some reason, and I’m not sure how to correct/fix it. I’ve attached a screen recording below to explain what I mean

I’ve tried every settings I can think of in the clone tool, and nothing seems to make it better, any suggestions?

Hi! The clone tool’s source moves with your brush - so as you move right, the source moves right as well. You could change the “Alignment” option to “Fixed” if you want to stop the source area from moving as you paint.


Hey, thanks for the response. I’ve tried using fixed, but it ends up looking weird. Is this the exepected behavior, or there is a setting I need to change to avoid this look?

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Sorry, should have explained…the image I posted is an example of the results I get when using the clone tool with the fixed option (almost like a ribbed look), and it looks like this way on any image I use it on. Is that just the way the fixed clone looks?

Sure - with a fixed source, it’s kind of like stamping an image with the same texture over and over again. I wasn’t sure if that’s what you were going for.

The original way you had it makes sense to me - it’s how I use the clone tool. You can change the brush size or type if you want to control which part of the image you’re cloning from.

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Ok, cool, just wanted to make sure there wasn’t something obvious I was missing, I will just keep using the normal alignment, appreciate the responses!

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Not answering your posted question but often the healing tool works better than the clone tool and this may also be of help to you. I only use the clone tool when the healing tool is not giving the desired results.

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