Question about units FINDSTAR

Hello to all!

I am trying to calculate the FWHM of the stars in an image in arc seconds
but aparently Siril gives me the value in pixels.
I use the following batchfile where I setup the parameters for FINDSTAR
with the SETFINDSTAR command.
The camera has 3.8 pixel size and the telescope has 25mm focal length.
Is the script wrong??
Whatever I fill in for the focallength does not change the output.
Please check my script:

echo OFF
FOR /F "tokens=2 " %%g IN (‘siril --version’) do (SET version=%%g)
set ext=fits
echo requires %version%
echo setext %ext%
echo cd %Folder%
echo load FWHM
echo setfindstar -radius=50 -sigma=0.05 -roundness=0.8 -focal=25 -pixelsize=3.8 -gaussian -convergence=1 -relax=off
echo findstar
echo close
) | “C:\Program Files\SiriL\bin\siril-cli.exe” -s - 2>&1 | findstr FWHM

Thanks a lot for any help/insight on this!

Also, when I put a selectbox around a star and use the PSF command, the output will be in arc seconds!
Is there any way to make FINDSTAR give it’ output in arc seconds???

Thanks a lot!